Subject: Whole Body Vibration and more! (larger font)
Dear Friend,
In case you missed my previous letter - I hope you had a Merry Christmas!
It has been several months since I have written about the Whole Body Vibration devices
and the benefits for the user they can provide. I have been using one for over two years
and can tell you that they can be priceless.
I used my “Whole Body Lymphatic Actuator” (as I prefer to call them) through the Arise
& Shine colon cleanse and got better results in less than half the normal time frame.
Also, one time I forgot to drink more than half the water and the full amount of bentonite
and psyllium and started driving my vehicle for a about an hour. I hadn’t properly hydrated
the psyllium/bentonite shake so I began experiencing a serious abdominal cramp before
I got home while I was driving. Believe it or not I was mostly concerned that this would
cause me to fail the cleanse because I would rather stop than risk such pain again.
The first thing I tried was rebounding but with each bounce the pain was worse.
I then just stepped onto the Whole Body Vibration device and within thirty to sixty
seconds the severe pain was replaced with the euphoria of a wonderful colon massage.
So you see; even though rebounders are the best for “lymphasizing” it is great to have a WBV too.
More importantly, I also used it when I awoke with my head feeling very cold because I slept
on my neck wrong. That in itself made the unit priceless because I was about to go into a full
blown panic until I realized all I had to do was lean on the platform with my hands and turn it
on. Sure enough, between thirty to sixty seconds of that and the warmth returned to my head
and I told myself I would just do that for a few minutes every night before bed and I wouldn’t
have to fear this type of event again. I now sleep on my side or my back and have “trained”
myself to sleep on my neck far better but it is good to know the WBV is only at the end of my
As soon as I saw one of these types of devices a few years ago I knew everyone could benefit
from having one due to many of the same reasons people benefit from rebounding. Only on a
more personal note I thought if only I had one before; perhaps I could have helped my father
recover from his stroke that morning I found him laying beside his bed with his leg trapped
underneath him. A stroke is one of the few things I rarely ever heard my father talking about
so we were poorly prepared for that eventuality. What do you do when you find a heavy
paralyzed person trapped between a wall and their bed?
Now its been five years and I have realized much of what we could have done to help my
father (if only we could turn back the hands of time). Most importantly, we could have
prevented the stroke from happening in the first place. I could have insisted that he brush
his gums with Oil of Oregano to fight gum infections in spite of the terrible dentist work he
had unfortunately prioritized for (far from Biological). I should have worked on my fathers
head for him; the same day as his head injury, with the same techniques he always taught
as he most likely would have done for me if I were in his place. I could have done more to
encourage him to practice more of what he himself preached - Lymphasizing! And today
based on my level of understanding I would also have him take some enzyme supplements
with Nattokinase and Serrapeptase.
I first saw these a few years ago in Chicago and it was a type that I have been using for
over two years now - with much satisfaction. I realized immediately that these machines
were right "up my alley" and I knew I could not keep paying for booths at Health Conventions
without something to sell instead of just handing out fliers and accepting donations. I have
never spent much time selling anything else before; (probably because of my Health Missionary
background) I can’t just sell something for money. I have to REALLY believe in something
before I can promote it. I hope to diversify into other lymphatic effectuating devices in the
near future. So I have hope that this business (VSI) will continue to be successful, because
I know that come rain or come shine I will never regret helping people get one of these
devices and that my conscience will always be clear knowing that my customers will be
better off for having done business with me.
I’ll admit that when I decided to jump right in and try my hand at selling these things all
I could think of was the priceless benefits these could provide to the user and that they were
definitely worth the prices they were being offered for ($1,600.00 or so).
A few months ago I began to import some of my own units and I now use the trademark
“Olymphic Vibe” for these units. I quickly sold all of the last shipment and reinvested most
of the money back into more of the smaller one that is excellent just the way it is, and only
ten more of what turns out to be the largest most powerful unit I have seen of its kind.
You can see these models I recently received by clicking where it says Special Offers
at the top of the home page of . Just one thing.. You can
ignore the timer setting. I will be extending this until the middle of January and perhaps
beyond (as long as my small supply lasts).
The market has been saturated with some very competitive advertising much of which
pretends to be “impartial” (yeah right) buyer guides designed to tear down the competition
and it is getting to be some pretty tough “competition” out there. I put quotes around the
word competition because I personally suspect that at least one of them is only in it to
destroy the market and are using the sale of at least a few of these types of units simply
as tax write offs. Why? All I can guess is that they do this to anything being used to support
alternative wellness leaders like myself - like some kind of “market warfare”.
The larger unit is bigger and more powerful than any of them I have tried before but
I have to say, I really like the smaller ones too. Call me if you want one of these but you
think the prices are too high and I will consider any reasonable offer. Do you get that
kind of an offer any day of the year from anyone else?
For those of you who had ordered one of the larger models from me before just know
that if you are interested in the new larger model I have now - I will make it possible for
you to get one at my cost as I may have told you before. I am sincere when I say that
I measure the success of this other entity by the satisfaction of my customers! After all,
many of you chose to purchase from me out of the desire to help me support myself
independent of the IAL so I can better volunteer for the marvelous mission of the Academy.
Their are a few special considerations I would like to ask for each of you today:
The money I planned to make on these devices was intended (among other things) to
help me purchase equipment for future projects. The IAL is still in need of a dark field
microscope and a professional video camera for a wide range of projects.
Again, I sincerely hope that each of you has had a peaceful, joyful, uplifting Christmas
holiday break so far and I am personally grateful for the spirit of the Lord that has been
in my home these past few days. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!