Subject: Updates, and Last chance to get hard copy course materials

Updates, Plus Applied Lymphology Course materials
Dear Friend,

A few months ago we ceased producing hard copy materials for my father's Applied Lymphology Course. We currently have only EIGHT hard copies of The Complete Applied Lymphology Course by Dr. C. Samuel West remaining. I am willing to part with only FIVE of those. We are asking for 580.00 which includes shipping and handling anywhere in the world and will include Certification as a Lymphologist through the International Academy of Lymphology.

We will continue to have hard copy Golden Seven Plus Ones for anyone who needs them since we have about two thousand of those remaining. All other materials have been made downloadable and I really like having that on my phone so I can listen to Dad as I travel in my car.

I am the author of my upcoming book, Speed-Healing, Lymphocising, & The Healers Protocol. I will be doing numerous interviews as soon as it is complete, (sometime near the end of summer). We will be updating the Instructor's Manual and the Examination by then and working on new demonstration videos to teach the techniques. We will have an updated online presence to provide a space for students to share their experiences and to ask questions. We will have a compilation of (at least) eighteen presentations called The Complete Golden Archives of Dr. C. Samuel West and I will consider pricing that around 299.00.

We will see a new system of health care coming out of the Vital Physiology I will be covering in my book. We will see DIY Self Help Healing Centers arise to meet the demands of a newly educated population. The field of medicine will lose its grip on the world and health care freedoms will be restored through the establishment of a true science and a true system of healing.

For now, we need to raise some extra money to allow me to take the time I need to finish writing my new book so if anyone out there wishes to get their hands on one of the LAST hardcopy Complete Applied Lymphology Course materials by Dr. C. Samuel West you will need to act fast! ONLY FIVE AVAILABLE remaining! Please contact us to arrange your purchase ASAP.

Visit our website and choose Request Materials from the top link to get to the digital downloadable version that is ONLY 299.00 today. You may also choose to email or call us to request a hard copy while you still can!

I sincerely hope that each of you is doing well in these crazy times. God bless you all to be protected, prepared, and comforted through God's amazing grace! I believe things will perhaps get a little worse before they get better but we have a real chance at an even better future for humanity if we just do our best and pray for divine guidance, inspiration, and for HIS blessings. Amen!

Prof. Karl West
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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