Subject: Tips for handling the "Corona Pandemic" (3-27-20)

Lymphological (and Other) 
Tips for handling the "Corona Pandemic"
Dear Friend, 

I realize that this comes at quite a delay, but (hopefully) better late than never. 

I have been out on the road doing a lot of driving for work in order to make up for a lack of income that the Academy has been generating to support my family. I was out from the time this whole "Pandemic" began and saw the craziness of it while driving back and forth across our nation.  It got so bad out there that I found myself in a struggle to survive in many instances.

I've been home for a while but I was really blown away by how many days it has taken me to recuperate and to catch up with much needed things that required my immediate attention. 

I have been getting quite a few inquiries from my subscribers to ask about measures we need to be taking in order to protect ourselves, and apologize for the great delay in responding but here it is:

#1  First do no harm. Please do not poison yourselves with Lysol inhalation. It says right on the can that it KILLS for a reason. Be careful not to use toxic anti-bacterial soaps that have no value in reducing your vulnerability to the supposed virus. Your immune systems greatest warriors are under your finger nails, and in your sinuses and are for the most part living in your skin.

#2  Keep practicing good mental attitudes. Pray daily for the relief our nation needs so badly during this time.

#3  As weather permits you do to so spend more time in nature. On sunny days try to bathe in sunlight.

#4  Supplement your diet where necessary to resolve any deficiencies you might have.

#5  Practice lymphocising (or as my father spelled it - lymphasizing) each morning and before bed. Sustaining a deep breath at the peak for a few seconds is a way to ensure abundant oxygenation of all of the recesses of your lungs. This also helps to fight off infectious organisms and keeps morbidity out of the lungs. 

#6  If you suspect you are under attack of the virus or other types of infection consider using a home remedy my family has learned to call "the bomb". The recipe is basically water, lemon juice, garlic, vinegar, maple syrup (for flavor) and a little cayenne. Other highly powerful remedies include orange oil and other essential oils like oregano. Be careful with Oregano because it can burn, but the brand of Organic Orange Oil called Orange TKO is incredible at knocking infection out of the lungs and it is organic too.  Google it!

Do not let the bad processes take hold of you!  Be proactive!  Contact me if you need anything else. 


Karl J. West
CEO Academy of Lymphology, llc
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