Subject: The Universal Process of Degenerative Disease & The Vital Role of The Lymphatic System

The Universal Process of Degenerative Disease & The Vital Role of The Lymphatic System
Dear Friend,
We aren't planning to bombard your email box like this so often! It is just that we had an unexpected surprise when an article submitted several months ago by Prof. West was published this morning. It is entitled The Universal Process of Degenerative Disease & The Vital Role of The Lymphatic System.  We hope each of you will understand and would very much like to invite everyone to visit the link below, read the whole article and then comment below the article.
Also, the first release in the collection of the Golden Archives of Dr. C. Samuel West, entitled: NHF 1976, Accu-Lymphatic Therapy & Body Electricity is available . We are releasing this as a download or a actual disk that is mailed out. Those who collect the actual disks will be pleased to know that we will be providing CD Wallets to hold them after more of them have been released. Please visit the Special Offers page by clicking the image on the left in order to purchase either of those copies today.

We also have a few more days left of Special Offers on the Applied Lymphology Course and The Golden Seven Plus One as well. If any of you have just been waiting for the right time to begin studying the Complete Course in Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology now is the time! Call us if you would like to begin studying our materials, but you have delayed due to financial circumstances, and we will lock in these low prices for you and come up with a plan that works for you.

Thank you dearly for your time and attention. We hope to be able to be of further assistance to you again soon. We wish you and yours the very best!

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly West ND
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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