Subject: Stop a stroke with this "brain massage" technique! Merry Christmas from the IAL!

Stop a stroke with this "brain massage" technique!

Merry Christmas from the IAL!
Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas Friend,

I have written two articles recently that can be found on my blog at .

The first one is entitled: Can Manual Percussive Constituent Dispersal stop a stroke or heart attack?

The second one is: The True Price of Plasma Donation .

I do hope that each of you get a chance to read them since they could save your life or the life of someone you love.

I have renewed the last Special Offers that can be found here for those of you who still need to get the Complete Course OR just in case some of you would like to get extra copies of The Golden Seven Plus One to give to your loved ones.

You may find those offers here:
Thank you dearly for taking the time to read this newsletter and may this years Christmas be your best one ever!

Prof. Karl West
IAL President
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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