Subject: Speed-Healing Testimonials (08-04-11)

Dear Friend,

The following is a bunch of testimonials for the Complete Applied Lymphology Course by Dr. C. Samuel West that I never got around to sharing beginning over a year ago.  I hope you will all enjoy them as much as I did.

While I am at it I thought I would make another Special Offers Announcement for the Complete Course.  Please download the following Special Offers Catalog to see what those are:


Thirty-four years ago I called Dr. West. I believe the techniques used then helped me to get pregnant for my son now who is 33 yrs. old..  I stroked the ovary areas to get function back when the doctors said I no longer had the normal function of them so couldn't possibly get pregnant again. He is my Miracle Baby!


Kathy Strine

Dr. West’s Applied Lymphology Course is the true science of healing on a cellular level to the organs and to good health. Thank you so much!

Love and blessings,

Bob Lewanski
Health Force Center 

Thank you so very much!  I learned some thing new in the first six minutes! Can't wait to view the rest.

Eldene Dittman

Dear Prof. West.

After  you sent me this  information I found that I had had a silent heart attack. After open heart surgery and four bypasses I was able to use the information you sent to help this 79 year old survive the ordeal! I am forever in your debt!


When completely healed want to study your fathers methods even further!!


Eldene Dittman


Dear Karl,

I know now that I suffered a female silent heart attack (Diabetic Neuropathy at the seat of my unaware condition). With a weight gain of water in the tissues to 188 lbs. When I found your site and began deep breathing I was able to come out of complete inactivity and participate in sending Christmas messages and gifts to my posterity.  A trip to the emergency room with the fluid buildup tests discovered the heart problem. The decision to subject my self to open heart surgery was made. Four bypasses and a repair to the tip of the heart to remove dead tissue was made. At this point 40 days later I am in complete recovery and weigh 155 lbs. As soon as possible I practiced your deep breathing at every opportunity! So simple yet so profound. My recuperation in a rest home gave many opportunities to pass on your website and breathing information!


Eldene Dittman


Hello Speed Healing Friends,

I am a 64 year old Swedish man who has maybe ALS in my legs, mostly in my left

leg. Almost lame. But, using your speed healing in the morning on my legs and and back I can walk with a stick in my right hand all day in the 2 stories villa we live in by the sea outside Gothenburg.

Best regards,

Rolf Bergman


Hello and thank you again for this great work. My chronic lower back problem is improving every day and I have bought a lymphasizer, my energy levels are going up and I can't wait to share this knowledge with as many people as I can.


Kindest regards,


Helene D.


Dear Karl,

I received the information recently. I am amazed and totally in awe studying the Speed Healing materials. Lots of interesting & good stuff.

I have been practicing the lymphasizing with & for my mom.  I am pleased to say she does notice a difference. In the past I have done Reiki on my mom.  As much as she has enjoyed that I would say it appears she has noticed more doing the lymphasizing.  

Thank you again!

Barbara B.


Prof. West,

I found your father very inspiring and doing the exercises in his course, my conditions (tinnitus, asthma and prostatitis) all improved.

It was only after I had to leave three jobs because of my illness - with my doctors saying that there was nothing they could do, did I resort to something that people would think to be foolish. It wasn't foolish, and I am on my third (heavy duty) "Lymphasizer."

Thank you for answering. I do appreciate it.

Ed Meyer


Prof. West,

I suffered severe burns at the base of my torso. The skin was very liquidy and very loose, yet I wasn’t aware they were burns. I searched the Internet to find a doctor and I found a surgeon. The doctor didn't say which "degree" the burns were, but he cut away all the loose skin and gave me a silver based ointment as medication. He told me to return in two weeks.

After using your fathers techniques and high doses of vitamin C, I returned two weeks later feeling completely better and expecting to see my doctor's happy face. To this day I am still astounded as to his reaction. My doctor looked as if he were in a state of shock. He was speechless, and I even saw him gulp. I asked him, "What's the matter?"  As if he were near a point of tears, he was barely able to say, "You're healed."  In my softest voice I said, "Oh, that's okay. That's why I'm here."

I’ll never forget the doctor's reply. He said, "Nobody heals that fast." I have never seen a doctor so shocked in all my life.

Ed Meyer

Edward Meyer

Long Island, NY


I used Lymphology on a lady today who was having back pain and she was amazed that the pain left her back so quickly.  How about that!


Sharon Campbell


Hello Karl,

For the last 8 years I have suffered with the dreaded disease of Fibromyalgia.

Recently, I sent Dr. Martin (one of your lymphologists) my blood/urine and spit samples. Much to my surprise I found that I had lead poisoning. I recently read a statistic that said that 25% of all fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue cases are being caused by heavy metal poisoning. I now urge everyone with these diseases and other auto-immune diseases to get tested for heavy metal toxicity.

In the meantime, I am deeply grateful for the information that I garnered from your father - Dr. West. The techniques that I learned through his course has helped save my life and kept me off all pharmaceutical drugs.

How I have handled my pain:

By holding onto the pain point/trigger point and the corresponding lymphatic drainage area, I created for myself a technique that quickly alleviated the trigger. I was afraid to move/exercise as I found through the years that once I got going, pain quickly intensified, but by using Dr. West’s lessons on “The Art of Lymphasizing”, I was able to stay active.

Please pass this information on to anyone you know who may be suffering from a diagnosis of CFS or FMS so they may get tested for heavy metal poisoning, and thank you once again.

Laura S.


Hi Karl,

I am doing wonderful -- so thankful to be able to help people including my wife when she has pain, and to know what to do -- thank you!

Rich Blackstock


Dear Karl,

As I was re-reading Section III of your father's book last night, I began some deep breathing and light stroking of my lower face and chin areas that I've been having problems with since the surgery, and it seems I'm getting results already, with just that little bit of effort!  I'll finish the rest of the book today and then add the gentle health bounce on my rebounder. Funny how I've been "guided" back to this book and method sitting on my bookshelf, after all these years, by a mention of your father's name in a "Natural News" article about lymph...  God does work in mysterious and wonderful ways. 


May the New Year bring a new and important awareness to the masses as a result of your fine website.  Thank you so very much!

Carol Sanford

(1 hr later)

Karl, I just went back to see who authored the article I saw on Mike Adams' Natural News and found it was YOU!  I then accessed the other lengthy explanatory article you wrote back in Nov 2008, I believe, and read that as well!  Bravo!  That is the message that needs to get out!  Your article succinctly expresses the truth as I see it, too, and I wanted to share your article with a friend of mine who has lots of ailments and doctors' appointments.  I'm the "radical" here in this senior community, and others don't understand my attempts to explain why I think the way I do!  Keep up the good work; we need you to bring your father's message to the masses in an updated, newly packaged way so that it can be understood and the learning can continue!

God bless you.  Carol Sanford


I'm so glad that Dr C. Samuel West, taught me how to breath properly, using his own bio-electric lymphatic techniques when ever I get that pain under my heart, and it goes away too.


Dr.West's foundation is number one on my list for the largest donations, so that his sons can and will keep the foundation going, I had promised Dr.West that I would always be there for him and his foundation. I also have the book that he sent me before he passed. It brings the tears to my eyes to even write about him, as he felt like a father to me and he really cared.

God bless; Juanita M. Chandler


Dear Karl,

I want to bless you and the memory of your dad - who developed the speed healing technique (prayer over the Power Plants), I know that IT WORKS!  I’m using the name YAHSHUA (YAH is my SALVATION) - for eventually the whole world will bow to that name. A while back the Spirit of the lord spake into my spirit these words: "When you pray the name of god over your body, every cell is standing at attention - waiting for instruction from HIM!!! Since we are told in ROMAN’s that we can call those things that be not - as though they ARE - I am doing just that.

     I pray that every cell will DISCHARGE all negative influences and be infused with the LIGHT the LOVE and the LIFE of GOD through my Sovereign Lord. This body will now receive the FULLNESS of GOD and REFLECT- HIS GLORY!   The Apostle Paul prayed that the brethren would be filled with the FULLNESS of GOD - now that won’t leave room for illness!! I am planning to start a business shortly and will incorporate your Dad’s concepts of speed healing and deep breathing - always giving credit to his teachings and will refer my clients to your website. May our Wonderful Lord Jesus supply all your needs and bountifully bless you in the coming new year!

Much Love,
 Beth Faircloth.


Dear Karl,

I just watched your Bioterrainology lecture and loved it! You are certainly advancing the science -- and your fathers teaching is so very relevant to the study of Energy Therapy that is coming to the fore. The concept of terrain as the influencer of health and how Lymphology affects that environment is the foundational core of regeneration! Keep up the good work! I hope to see more of your videos.

Blessings, Beth Faircloth


Prof. West,

My wife is now cancer free, still uses lymphology, takes all of the tinctures and B-17. She has been scanned and found the last two times to be cancer free. Great God is good .. a lot of prayers are and were offered up for that miracle to happen..   I hope you are in good spirits waiting  for our Lord’s return.. I hope to speak to your dad there.

  Best regards.. Retired merchant mariner     Anthony C.


Dear Karl,

Thank you so much for the information you continue you share with the IAL Community!  I wanted to let you know how your Father’s methods have helped me so much over the years.

I learned from your father’s book The Golden Seven Plus One, how to apply pressure to an injury to avoid blood rushing to the site and causing further cell damage.  Last week I was bending over to feed my cats and got distracted by the TV and raised my head up quickly, smacking it hard on a counter overhang. I was knocked silly (but not out) for a few minutes. I immediately applied pressure with my hands to the right side of my head and continued to hold it until the pain had gone away. I then applied a cold pack for about 15 minutes. It was amazing, the next day I couldn’t really sense any discomfort when I tried to find the sore spot on my head, and two days later there was just a very slight pain when I pressed on the spot I had hit. I had to really work at finding where I had hit my head!  I have used this method over and over to avoid bruises and further cellular damage.   


Another amazing situation was when I slammed my little finger in my car door.  I immediately applied pressure to the finger, and thereafter kept a band-aid on the finger with  slight compression. I thought for sure I would lose my fingernail, because the nail began to turn dark almost immediately after the injury. To my amazement after keeping compression on the finger, the discoloration went away, and my fingernail and finger showed no signs of damage after several days.


Your message today about compression made me think about how valuable your Father’s message has been to me over the years, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you!


Thank you,

VG from Texas


Dear Professor Karl,


I owe you a huge thanks for the lymphology course and the very helpful phone consultation last year.  I'm sorry it's taken this long for me to thank you.  My labor and delivery at the age of 43 and my fifth one was the quickest and least painful one yet thanks to the deep breathing, stretching, accupressure, herbs, and more!  You're right, the deep breathing helped tremendously.  I took in so much air during contractions that the next day my back and neck were aching because of it, but it was totally worth it because it reduced some of the worst pain in the world, labor pains! This was a home birth with a midwife and so no drugs were used at all!  The pushing was still extremely painful but it was over with quickly.  We had a sweet baby boy last June.


If I had to say what helped me the most it was doing the deep breathing during the contractions while my husband pushed on the acupressure points (I obtained these online and printed out the pictures for my husband to know where to press) and moving around between the contractions.

You're so right about the brisk walking and stretching; this really does oxygenate the tissues.  With my past labors I would sit still and the miserable pain would grow worse and worse, but this time around I was better equipped with knowledge and determination to fight the pain, so I walked, walked, walked and kept stretching and stretching  until it was time to push.  I was also able to go without any drugs during my postpartum as well with the lymphology, namely the deep breathing, pressure, stroking, and massage (along with herbs).

I've been doing the lymphology everyday since I took it with much success.  It's great to be able to get help without having to go anywhere or spend a bunch of money.


Thanks also for the advice on the fungus link.  That was helpful too.


Very appreciative,


Michele D.

Martinsville, IN


Prof. West,

Thank You for all the great work you do. When you were first deciding which path you were to travel in reference to your fathers work. I received a very large volume of your fathers research from you. His work was both helpful and amazing to me. I am grateful you were there to pass on this heritage. Shortly before God introduced me to you he reveled to me great insight, to the double meaning of life is in the blood. It is well to know you have carried on this great work that was instrumental in the path God had been preparing for me.


Ron Q.


Hi Prof. West,

We admire you and your late Dad very much, Prof. West. God bless!

  1. Morton & Family


Hello Karl,

I am thoroughly enjoying all the new information and putting the techniques to work. I love all the exercises.  I have seen some great changes especially with the breathing.  I believe the lymphatic exercise and the breathing has stopped the hot flashes. Over the last week and a half I have been off my schedule due to our move from California to Oregon and I noticed the last day or so the hot flashes are coming back.  I plan on getting back to my routine now that most of the move chaos is over.


Thanks for offering this program.


Robin G.

Certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist

Certified NLP Master Results Coach & Trainer

EFT & Touch for Health Practitioner

San Jose, CA


Dear Prof. West,

I happen to run into my old doctor last week and told him what I was doing and he said, “You can tell 1000 people to do it but only one will and that is you”.

It is amazing what you learn from a Southwest airlines ticket agent, she had a friend who went through your program 6 years ago, and still living today.


William T. S.

Jacksonville, Fl


Thank you for taking the time to read these amazing and precious testimonials. Please feel free to respond with any questions you may have.

Prof. Karl West

IAL President


Skype: RedPill7

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