Subject: Speed-Healing Testimonials... (07-16-09)

Dear Friend,

Please permit me to touch base here really quick. I can only take enough time as an introduction to this letter to "suffice it to say" that I am very excited and very encouraged! Alas the more I say the more people will want to "pick my brain" and I simply haven't got time for that. I only have time to evolve! So please have patience and enjoy the following:

The following unsolicited testimonials were received recently (in comparison):

"The information in the DVDs, books etc. is unreal ... simply fantastic! Dr C Samuel West is uplifting and brilliant to listen to. What an inspiringly good-hearted soul!  I did a 4-year degree in alternative medicine and was still none-the-wiser on completion. This is the information that I'd have loved to have learned at the time. Thank you to Dr C Samuel West, and thank you to Prof. Karl West.

Yours sincerely,



"Dear Prof. West,

Tonight after doing work outside, I had a very acute pain in my left foot, as soon as I applied the Lymphatic clearing technique to to my foot the pain left. I worked on my left foot, followed by my right foot and then the left again. I also, did the Power Ball and worked on both legs. I am amazed at how well these simple techniques work in relieving pain. I have used acupressure points and reflexology in the past for my many aches and pains. Your Lymphatic clearing techniques seem to work faster and better!

What a blessing it is to have you share this knowledge so generously! I hope to donate more as I can. I have many friends and family who would benefit from this knowledge. I am personally thankful to God, that your father; Dr. C. S. West was wise enough to accept this gift from God, and share it in such a way as to bring glory, honor and praise to God.

Thank you for thinking of me!



"Hello IAL Member,

I got my course a about six months ago, as I have had lots of sickness; including two bouts with breast cancer. It changed the way I thought about health, and I knew inside of me that to stimulate the immune system was a major key to kicking out diseases. So when I found the story about the 'drowning in water' and how our cells are like little batteries of energy that need to be kept charged it made perfect sense to me. The relationship between the lymphatics and the immune system is immense, (this was made even more important to me, as I watched my dad basically drown in his own system the last month, as he was dying). So I bought the course and a rebounder (trampoline) which I think is also important. The deep breathing I also knew about, as I had done a course on that years ago [from another previous student] and it is also key to getting your lymph system moving and cleaning out the toxins.  I suppose this was just one more HUGE key in the understanding of how the human body functions and can be helped to heal itself.

I would definitely say the knowledge I gained and am still working on is helping me to keep healthier; and along with good nutrition, lots of water, and a spiritual understanding of who made me too, I am probably 100 percent more healthy now in body than I was at 25, (I am 55) albeit I have had many surgeries that have left their impact; but I don't get colds, virus - I kick out in a day. I usually know when I am fighting one now, know the signs, am so tuned into my body now, so I know how to fight it at the very beginning so to speak. With me once I start to sneeze; I know its ended, weird eh?

There are more of the usual things that I do: I have good blood tests, pressure etc, and as long as I keep to a good diet plenty of energy. I also take a product called Holy Tea, on a daily basis, which is a gentle cleanser for the system, and keep your digestive tract and organs healthy. I juice daily, take a few vitamins, ones I think I personally need. 

This program is a big part of the whole, its very important, and worth knowing...



"Dear Prof. West,

Thank you for your responses. I can only surmise that it is our Heavenly Father's blessing that lead me to stumble onto your site and probably answers to my husband's prayers. It was very hard for him to watch me in such pain as I endured this past weekend. God has been exposing me to bits and pieces of information over the past years that help me to understand somewhat of what I found on your site.

What I have done while contemplating whether I was going to pursue your information may let you know how open I am. I have, through my mother; been exposed to the concept of reflexology. Combining that with some budding concepts gleaned from your site I started rubbing my knees. The right in a counter clockwise motion and the left in clockwise motion to see what would happen. Well for the first time since I fell through the ceiling last month I could walk upstairs with less and less pain in my right knee. My left knee is allowing me to walk 99% pain free. You need to know that I have not been able to walk upstairs using my left knee for three years. I find skin on skin is better than through my jeans. Am I in left field or is there a reason for this response? [yes removal of barriers is helpful]

I have been using pressure or pressure with small circular motions on painful spots all over my body for years to help control pain. No one could ever give me any reason for why it might work other than saying I might be finding accupuncture points. ["Electrical Meridians are actually lymphatic vessels" Dr. West]

I made my chiropractor work the lymphatic system yesterday. It was something we had not done for quite a while and I figured every little bit of stimulation would help it. The points were screaming sore. He is going to be checking out your site as well. He is searching for anything that may help his autistic son.

I had two great days yesterday and today and ran out to do my shopping today.

Nancy T"


"Dear Prof. Karl West,

I have completely read The Golden Seven Plus One and bought a mini trampoline. My problem is that I had torn cartilage and bone spurs in right hip from arthritis. After soft bouncing my hip is troubling me more, so now I am bouncing on left foot only. I am trying to heal hip naturally without having orthoscopic surgery. [You may also lie on your back and use your arms to bounce] I am also trying all your other methods in book. I have taught this book to other people so far. Yesterday we healed my friends swollen lip in 5 minutes. Praise the Lord!

Please pay for the healing of my right hip.

I have a 2-1/2 year old grandson who was born with Dandy Walker Syndrome. He didn't crawl until 15 months and still cannot walk. I am going to bring my trampoline in today to him as I will babysit this Thursday and Friday all day for him. I am going to put him on it a lot on those 2 days. Hopefully my son and wife will see the truth in it and will get him one. If the celrebral palsy patients in the book could walk, our little Scotty can too. Please pray for this also.

Thank you, Phillis P."


"Dear Karl,

First of all thank you for the first lesson on speed healing. I listened to the message on the internet that Dr. West had recorded as a phone message. I was surprised to hear him referred to as the late Dr. West. I was sorry to hear this as I had met him some time ago and had lost track of him until I found this website. He was a real pioneer! I admired him greatly. I have used the techniques I learned from him and believe that at one time I even cured a tumor in my mouth.

In any event, I intend to follow through with the lessons and thank you for being there taking care of business!

Again, thank you. Ron Bennett"


Thank you for your time and attention and may God bless us all to remain in his service forever!

Prof. Karl West


Healthy State / Diseased State