Subject: Speed-Healing Radio's first official broadcast set for 1 PM Wednesday (the 16th) ...
Dear Speed-Healing Subscribers,
I will be having the first official Speed-Healing Radio show tomorrow at 1:00 PM MST. Please visit
the following link to set up a reminder for you to participate. Please e-mail any questions or testimonials
you would like for me to address in advance if you wish by using the reply feature.
Thank you dearly for your support! I will make a point to discuss Inflammation since we did not get
to do that for the Test Show last Wednesday. We may have the Apprentice Teacher; Vin Beazel as a
wonderful co-host, Thomas Rayner as a guest to speak on GlycoNutrients or even Kathryn O'Shannahan
Hyland as another co-host. Either way the show is going to be great!
All you need to do is dial in using the numbers that are shown on the page. Pressing 1 signals me to
take your question or other comment. The only thing I am not sure about is that I will remember to
check the text chat and the callers que but that is one of the things that co-hosts are for!
The broadcast is scheduled for only 45 min. It could be shorter or longer as we shall need. I hope
to speak to (or with) you then. If not we should in any case figure out how to have these on iTunes
on a subscription archival downloading service basis.
Prof. Karl West
IAL President