Subject: Speed-Healing Radio update..(01-22-10)

Dear Friend,

It has been a while since we did the Speed-Healing Radio show on Blog
Talk Radio. I had a couple of reasons for this:

Blog Talk Radio malfunctioned during my interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley
and even though I recorded the rest myself they have failed to assist me in
uploading the rest of the interview. I want to have more control over
my radio show and so I wanted to investigate other options.

I had some other ideas and projects I have been wishing to pursue..

TIME is definitely a factor (I am a single full time Dad) but in
fairness the reality is that I didn’t prioritize high enough for doing
the show because I was disappointed not to be able to get certain people
to be interviewed. I wanted to get Bruce Lipton to be interviewed but
never heard back from his secretary and then I allowed myself to lose
interest in doing the show for various other reasons.

So from now on, if I decide to do more shows I will announce them twenty-
four hours or more in advance from now on but no one should expect me
to put on a show just because Wednesday rolls around. In fact, I may
change the time and day to suit my mood. Thanks for everyone who was
supporting me to do the show and God bless, yet from now on I may just
try to do more Speed-Healing Feedback reports (by email). They seem
to help people even easier and quite reliably.

Thank you,

Prof. Karl West
IAL President
Skype: RedPill7