Subject: Speed-Healing Radio...

Speed-Healing Radio

Show Description

Prof. Karl West was motivated to start this Radio Program from the desire in his heart to be of service to others in helping them learn to heal their own bodies naturally - even empowering others to help revolutionize the "health" care system which is widely recognized as problematic to say the least. Our mission as originally defined by Dr. C. Samuel West is "to bring people together regardless of race, color, or creed - to eliminate disease and live peace with no poor among us."

Prof. West is the current President of the International Academy of Lymphology. He is also a pioneer of Cellular Ecology etc. He is passionate about bringing these subjects out of obscurity. As a consequence of struggling to revolutionize the "health" care field into something that empowers the patient rather than just the practitioners he has become an avid student of the rare and revolutionary related subjects that lead to positive world transformation. He shares a number of very profound insights with his guests on this program. We begin with basic lymphology and move into Cellular Ecology and we are now reaching into Bioterrainology.



Dear Speed-Healing Lesson Subscribers,

I have decided to try doing my own radio program on Blog Talk Radio.  I believe this will be a much more useful outlet than even this forum here due to the ease in use and wide participation potentials.  I plan to start small initially with only one show per week and am thinking of choosing Wednesdays for this purpose.  I am currently waiting for feedback on exactly what time in MST that people would prefer participating. I am leaning towards 1:00 PM MST on Wednesday. 

The neatest thing about this show is anyone with iTunes can subscribe to the show and download any of the past events.  

I have set up the system to have Speed-Healing Radio which will be tested tomorrow  at 1:00 PM MST with all who would like to help and can be accessed at . 

Prof. Karl West
IAL President
Skype: RedPill