Subject: Speed-Healing Feedback Report (01-20-10)..
Dear Friend,
I want to provide an informal feedback report so you can catch some of the Coaching I have provided
to others lately over the phone:
One person called to gain more understanding about oxygen and oxidation. I clarified for him the
issue of oxygenation and free radical pathology. I hope each of you will understand that oxygen is
NEVER a bad thing; Healthy cells are highly efficient and they generate and organize a field of electrons
on their surface. I have logically concluded that this field helps to negate free radicals thereby protecting
the cellular membrane. This ensures that your cells will continue to be efficient. Only dead, damaged,
dormant, mutated or otherwise anaerobic cells, organisms or other unhealthy materials are without
a defense against oxidation, and we want it that way! Keep your tissue spaces free of garbage and
infectious organisms and you can prevent any significant free radical pathology. We do this by
activating our lymphatics on a regular basis and by obeying the mental, physical, and emotional laws
of health! If any of you need more understanding on this simply respond to this email with your questions.
People are confusing the terms oxygenation with oxidation. By doing this they somehow get to thinking
that oxygen is bad - as if the small number of free radicals produced by healthy cellular function places
them into a catch twenty-two! Oxygenation is essential and while the process of expending it as fuel
for the cell produces some free radicals the body has many ways to neutralize and eliminate them.
Another person called concerned that Whole Body Vibration might break loose clot in her legs thereby
allowing it to travel to a narrow vein or vessel causing either a stroke or heart attack. I remember
having to deal with this problem with my own father while he was in a hospital too. In my opinion;
this is a similar “catch twenty-two” way to think. MOTION IS LIFE. You have to move or you will die
of even more clots! I can compare this to being in the line of fire while a tank is bearing down on you.
If you move you might get shot. If you don’t the tank is likely to flatten you like a pancake.
Anyone concerned about this should begin their day by alkalizing and oxygenating their whole body
as best they can and (in my humble non-medical opinion) they should start a graduated more elevated
routine in order to ensure that more clots will not form EVERYDAY!
I am drinking some of the best water I can get (by eating grapefruits and purified water with chlorophyl etc),
I then start doing some deep breathing and yawning, stretching, flexation and relaxation while lying
down (before I even get out of bed), because it feels so dang good to do so!
By that time I am sure they oxygenated and alkalized their body and blood stream - and even if for
some reason I had a clot when I awoke by then any clots would become dissolved if they broke loose
within seconds. How else do you think it’s possible to die of natural causes instead of through a
horrific hospital stay? I understand the “use it or loose it” principle and I then do something
vigorous - like Whole Body Vibration!
Cayenne Pepper has components that can be used to thicken or thin the blood so the body can
derive what it needs intelligently and it is a great blood builder. Chlorophyl is a great way to quickly
alkalize the blood etc.
Alkalization helps fight free radicals and keeps the blood moving along because it is the electron
coating that is organized and maintained on the surface of every healthy cell that makes circulation
Thank you for taking the time to read this. For anyone that is interested in obtaining a Whole Body
Vibration device please visit . Respond to this email before
the end of the month for a way to receive a $200 discount off thecurrent special offers on either of
the Olymphic Vibe models in addition to the already low prices (forgoes the two year warrantee).
Prof. Karl West
IAL/VSI President
Skype: RedPill7