Subject: Sound Health Radio Interview with Prof. West & Sharry Edwards

Prof. West interviewed for Sound Health - Blog Talk Radio
Dear Friend,
We didn't have time to announce yesterday's Radio Show on Sound Health with Sharry Edwards. Please take the time to check this out: 

Here's the scoop on our upcoming WEDNESDAY'S SHOW: Bob Gajda, former Mr. America, renowned kinisioligist & sports therapist returns along with Prof Karl West, CEO of The Academy of Lymphology- both talking about performance, healing & the role of the lymph system: Tune-In 3pm CT at: .

We also want to bring everyones attention to the fact that we now have boosted the audio levels for the Live Lecture DVD's in our Complete Course. Once we did that we also needed to perform noise reduction and it was quite a project. Anyone who has purchased the Complete Course, and is not satisfied with the audio levels of their current DVD's before the last two days can order replacement DVD's at cost plus shipping. We want to be sure that everyone is happy with all of their materials.

Just send back your Live Lecture (5 of 5) DVD's and $18.00 to:

Academy of Lymphology
PO Box 351
Orem, Utah 84059

Thank you dearly for your precious time and attention.

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly Kay West, ND
IAL President & Staff
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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