Subject: Robert Scott Bell interviews Prof. Karl West about the Applied Lymphology program of the IAL and more!

Robert Scott Bell interviews Prof. Karl West
about the Applied Lymphology program of the IAL and more!
Hello Friend,
We have had a major Radio Broadcasting event with the Robert Scott Bell show. To hear an amazing interview between Robert and Prof. Karl West click the following link:
In addition to this exciting announcement, the Academy has finally found a way for people to get Golden Archives and the Introductory Course releases through a company that can also provide a platform for others to promote our materials online and get paid! This is so new, that we will release details only to those that do the following:

To subscribe to our NEW list for potential affiliates only, simply send an email to:  (all who had subscribed to that list prior to today are being moved to our free lessons list only).

Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly Kay, ND  

Copyright 2015 International Academy of Lymphology. All Rights Reserved.
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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