Subject: Reminder of Speed-Healing Radio interview of Dr. Rebecca Carley MD...

Dear Friend,

This is to remind you that I will interview Dr. Rebecca Carly on the H1N1 scare this Wednesday
at 12 Noon Pacific ; 1 PM MST ; 2 PM Central ; 3 PM Eastern.

If you would like to participate on the call the number is: (347) 637-1883. All the details are accessed here: .

As many of you may already know Dr.Carly is extremely familiar with vaccines and the history
of vaccination. She is recognized as Court Qualified expert on Vaccine Induced Diseases. She will
be able to take questions regarding both vaccines and supposed pandemics.

This should make for some very interesting discussion.

Please tune in on Wednesday prepared to ask questions or you may simply reply with any questions
you may have for Dr. Carly.


Peace and Blessings,


Prof. Karl West

IAL President


Healthy State verses Disease State