Subject: Prior Email had INCORRECT reply ADDRESS..

Prior email listed wrong address to reply..
Dear Friend,
I try very hard not to overuse your email and so it is a bit upsetting when I make an error and have to send a follow-up email to the prior ones. Thankfully, other students notified me right away that their replies had bounced back. I will be fixing that as soon as I get back from a trip. Thankfully, I have had a wonderful response so far. I will be building a new website MYSELF because NOBODY else appears to be capable of doing it the way I want it, and BIG TECH seems to be sabotaging my efforts to do anything online. You wouldn't believe what they have done for the past ten years, and it doesn't matter which big tech giant you want to talk about. They have all sabotaged my efforts. I do not think its a coincidence.

Anyway, PLEASE NOTE, the return address to or is non-functional but I am working out a way to fix that soon. Look for another update in about a week or two.

Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West
lymphspeak @

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