Subject: Our wish for 2021 to save the world! 12-31-20

Happy New Year!
Our wish for 2021 to save
the world! 12-31-20
Hello Friend,

I think I know a way to fix a lot of corruption happening around the world and ensure the quality of life for all humanity. My father did not devote his entire life to freeing the world of a medical dictatorship for nothing. The time is ripe for revolution. This research is the way to do that! Never before is it more clear that we need to put this medical dictatorship in its proper perspective.

It is for this reason and the ever increasing constraints on my time, that I have finally started the Ambassador Program for each of you -- the students to earn HUGE COMMISSIONS for teaching people how to heal themselves. Those who are Certified as Lymphologists can earn 75% commissions! Those who in still in the process of studying the program can earn 50%. 

We plan to create landing pages that you can each utilize to promote the program. It will feature 68 years of Research, a Flier and anything else necessary to make the sales. We have all the old sales scripts and hope to use the Doodly system to illustrate and draw for an audience.

In the book, I have been working on, I reveal the TRUE science of healing. I reveal the Healers Protocol, the Prime Ecological Variables, and MyoLymphics. In the next book I will write I will reveal TRUE Immunology AND I will show the world how to take over the field of TRUE health care with a business plan I call DIYTLC -- those with any means to help get those centers started around the world may contact me.

In support of my efforts I am asking everyone who possibly can to visit the following link in the green box below and order the Complete Course in Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology in digital download form. You save $140.00 by cho0sing this form. Please visit:
I have long realized that I was working in opposition to trillions and trillions of dollars. My awareness of the ruthless global elite used to frighten me into ceasing my writing. Now I feel it is incumbent upon us all to spread the realities of Global Elite dictatorships and the way they continually conspire to profit off of our early deaths. I am convinced that these types of people are our greatest threat. They have so much money they have purchased our justice system, our system of government, our news media resources, our schools, and are the authors of our corrupt system of supposed "health" care. 

We are under attack by Big Tech as well, that is owned by the Elite. We are currently stuck supporting Google by allowing them to manage our passwords etc. We are stuck with Facebook even though they are censoring the heck out of us at a time that can seal all our fates. Twitter was also a powerful tool but it censors just as badly and is riddled with immorality (the porn industry) -- the reason I stopped using it years ago- until recently when trying to support President Trump to uncover all that he can in election fraud. We deserved a court process that allowed the case to be heard! We should fight for free speech like we fight for the air we breathe.

Currently, there is a higher rate of harm from the vaccines than those who have been a victim of this virus. Should the solution guarantee our loss of life? Vaccines contain cancer cell lines. We need to focus on natural immunity, and fight for our rights to govern our own health care!  Please watch this video by London Real that seems to not exist on YouTube anymore... (Facebook may take it down before you get to it)
We are looking forward to hearing how the Speed Healing course changes your life or someone you care about.

Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West

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Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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