Subject: Natural Immunity (12-13-20)

Natural Immunity (12-13-20)
Dear Friend,

Natural immunity has long been under attack. I believe most Covid deaths are MALPRACTICE. They make $30,000 per head blowing out lungs on ventilators. I wish people would stop referring to Dr. Fauci as an expert. Nobody who continually contradicts himself like he does should be considered an expert!  I know these people don't care whether we survive this thing or not...

I want to share what people can do lymphologically to reverse its initial phase quickly. Sustained deep breaths will help eliminate stiffness and morbidity right away. Sustained deep breaths also allow oxygenation of recesses of the lungs. 

High quality fats and oils are great for natural immunity. Poor quality oils will set you up for a cytokine storm and free radical pathology. Also better quality sugars, like glyconutrients are great to load up on. Get your natural selenium, zinc, and vitamin C! There is a vitamin C that is all natural from foods. Google it to find that one!

Many essential oils can fight respiratory infections. Orange TKO organic orange oil is highly effective although it doesn't state to take in internally I know the owner and he does use it that way. A mixture of water with lemons juice, garlic, and apple cider vinegar with a half teaspoon of cayenne helps fight respiratory diseases too.  I brush my teeth each night with OregaSpray mixed with hydrogen peroxide. These compounds enter my blood stream bilingually each night and get circulated through my lungs. One other great benefit is that I haven't required a dentist in years! 

I had the best newsletter on this pandemic ever! I touched some part of my keyboard and lost all of my work tonight. It was such an awesome letter, but I will try to reproduce it next weekend while traveling to Michigan with my family.

Suffice it to say, that we cannot rely upon a fraudulent system to keep us well and save our lives. Masks do not filter out viruses. They trap moisture, and prevent optimal exchange of gases. They should be limited in use and always fresh and clean. They force people to breathe themselves over and over again. Not healthy!

One of the companies producing vaccines ModeRNA is also the patent holder of gene editing methods in vaccination. Sound good to you? Pfizer's vaccine requires emergency medical responders nearby.. does that sound good?

I have a ton of common sense for you about this whole pandemic, but it will have to wait since it is far past my bedtime now. Good night my precious students!

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Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West

PS  A few nights ago I had the misfortune during channel surfing to PeopleTV, and seeing a photo shoot of Dr. Anthony Fauci's creepy face up close -- in high definition. OMG! His freaky face gave me nightmares! I should sue.

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