Subject: Merry Christmas from the Academy of Lymphology (2021)

Merry Christmas from the
Academy of Lymphology (2021)

Here is wishing YOU and each of our students a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

We've had it rough since this Plandemic was started, but I am so glad that YOU pulled through. Yes, I put the "l" in that word because I am 100% certain that Fauci cooperated with the CCP to create this BioWeapon. There is mounting evidence of that as time goes on.

I pray that each of you is spared the devastating harm of this virus. It is wise to take ALL precautionary and preventive measures that are appropriate. Does that mean vaccinations? Unfortunately, that is NOT clear at all to me, for MANY good reasons. More on that in subsequent mail.

I was not entirely spared personally but I am so grateful to be alive. I am on oxygen supplementation after a struggle with Covid in the Provo Hospital. The little bag of tricks I had (HCQ, Ivermectin, Vit D, Zinc) was not sufficient to provide complete protection for me, but it may have made the difference between life and death. I learned a tremendous amount that I hope to share with you in the near future. There are a lot of things I wish I had done differently! I wish I had trusted the Azithromycin because I now believe it would have spared me entirely in conjunction with everything else I tried. I am recovering from home, and not able to work my 2nd job. 

This is why you didn't hear from me for Thanksgiving. I was focused on survival as a hospitalized Covid patient. Most of you understand how I dislike being "patient", but sometimes we get no choice in that.

Please believe me when I say that for many of us this man-made bio-weapon can be incredibly sneaky in totally disabling the lungs with inflammation. This happened without hardly any fuss from my body! I did not experience pain. I didn't lose my sense of taste. I didn't get a fever. Nor did I feel a sore throat. The only thing I felt was a bit of stiffness in my lungs at the peak of inhalation and I thought I could sense a bit of coldness. Nevertheless, I was determined NOT to go to medical professionals for help. This was foolish and it is probably the 2nd time I have nearly died for not seeking medical help. I was NOT going to go to a hospital for anything short of avoiding death.

Well, after languishing without sufficient oxygen in my bloodstream for several days (and nights), I got out of bed and passed out on the floor for the first time in my life. My wife had Covid too, just not as bad (thank God) so she didn't hear me in my struggle. Later that day, she borrowed an OxyMeter and began crying to see how low my blood oxygen saturation level had become. It was somewhere just below 70%. As a result of such low oxygenation, my energy levels were nearly insufficient to sustain my life.

My wife and kids began to beg me to go to the hospital. I didn't have faith that a hospital stay would save me but I had nothing to lose now. I actually said my goodbyes to my children, because I honestly didn't know what to expect. I told my little 7-year-old daughter that if I didn't come home I would be watching over her from heaven.

Luckily for me, I was admitted to a caring staff of professionals who did not hold my UNvaccinated status against me. The facility was not overburdened, and my care was good. I was so blessed to have a respiratory therapist who chose to put me on a High-Flow oxygen device even though it had to run on maximum liters per minute to suffice for me. The were two other choices: 1) BPap which I am told is a full face mask. (a nightmare for someone with flem). AND 2) Intubation with sedation, restraints and that whole nightmare. I was very lucky the High Flow barely sufficed using a heavy-duty cannula-style connection to my nose. It was hard to deal with because I had to spend 90% of my breathing on exhalation due to all the air flowing into my sinuses.

After a day or two they were lowering my flow and I needed less oxygen. I was totally focused on resting and healing the first couple of days but I was doing a little of what I call MyoLymphics for my lymphatic system and for my lungs. I had been blessed not to have a really bad cough too. After a couple of days, I began to get out of bed to walk around my bed and to try and take sustained breaths at the peak of my lungs capacity. I was beginning to direct my care.

The hardest thing for me to do was to consent to Remdesivir, but one comment from my doctor about how he was tired of seeing health nuts like me die because we wouldn't trust in the protocol and I submitted to that. I said, "look, my life is in your hands, do what you believe is best."  I still pray that no harm was done to my kidneys and liver due to that drug, but that is only because I am alive to do so...

Thank you for your time and attention in this matter, but remember to celebrate the birth of Jesus by showing others the love and light you have inside!

May the Lord Bless each and everyone of you this season. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

The Best IS Yet to Come,

Prof. Karl West

Copyright 2021 International Academy of Lymphology. 
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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