Subject: Lymphologically Speaking.. (10-20-09) Dear Friend...
Dear Friend,
Here is a recent question Prof. West answered:
Greetings Karl,
What is your 'lymphological' opinion about oxygen capsules and their effectiveness?
I appreciate your time, Karl.
The Good Lord's Blessing upon you
and your work.
Les Schnierer
Prof. Karl West answered, ""Lymphologically" speaking, THE OXYGEN in your blood is governed
electromagnetically by primarily hemoglobin and any relatively healthy person should be able to
get that maxed out by BREATHING . Yet the oxygenation of your blood does not necessarily ensure
the oxygenation of the tissues that need it most due to blocked circulation or impaired diffusion
AND that is where lymphology can be recognized as fundamental; the basic math (so to speak) of
true health care.
Prof. Karl West
IAL President
Skype: RedPill