Subject: Lymphologically Speaking: (08-25-10) Inflammation (part 1 & 2)

Dear Friend,

In 2001, the medical community began admitting that “inflammation is a common denominator of every degenerative disease known to man”; particularly cancer, heart disease, and various forms of arthritis. The medical community seemed to be so close to figuring things out. The life’s work of Dr. C. Samuel West should therefore have been officially validated . Today the official story on inflammation is primarily one of blame on the immune system. According to current medical consensus - your immune system might be out to get you! It is intriguing that certain drugs used in cases of transplantation, septic shock, etc; which knock out the immune system appear to have a life saving role - all of which seems to confirm that the immune systems behavior is at times severely misguided. However, there seems to be many reasons to question the completeness of the official explanations for inflammation.

Inflammation is not a single phenomena; it is a group of a great deal of combined phenomenon that can only be properly explained through lymphology, and it is the lymphological approach that is sorely neglected. For a lymphologist it is easy to see the massive gap in what the consensus (or controlled popular opinion) is passing off as “the end of be all explanations” for this group of phenomena. By “massive gap” I am talking specifically about the lack of proper etiological implication with regard to the Prime Ecological Variables; the cellular ecology as per the cause of this subject. The ability to see these gaps is the ability to recognize measures that can prevent inflammation and much of what results in virtually any disease process - including any actual autoimmunity.

The main thing to understand about inflammation is the way that the initial process impacts the cell environment and therefore the organisms that become exposed to those conditions. It is obvious that the conditions in which these cells must interact must be corrected before we can expect to correct how the organisms function and behave. It is logical to consider the cell environment as the most significant determinant in regards to the life process, and therefore possibly even the behavior of an organism.

One aspect of inflammation that I believe is particularly neglected in formal educational institutions and yet is of utmost importance is the way that trapped plasma proteins produce the conditions that result in any degenerative disease one might care to name, and in no way have the conventional medical curriculum ever properly implicated trapped plasma proteins in the causation of any disease. So it is an amazing dichotomy when inflammation itself is a process of trapped plasma proteins and inflammation is finally determined to be a common denominator of every disease, and yet the immune system is found to be the culprit of it all...

The Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology of the IAL teaches people what we might do to free up those clustered proteins, and to activate our lymphatic vessels (as well as the entire lymph system) in order to pull these particulates along with the excess water and sodium out from between the cells. This brings the cells back into the vacuum packed state found in all healthy tissues. This is the only way to reverse the anoxic conditions that always precede every case of chronic inflammation; or to reproduce the conditions that enable the aerobic life process (and healing) again.

All damaged cells release histamine and bradykinin (referred to vaguely as inflammatory substances), and these toxins cause tiny pores in the blood capillary walls to open wide, and not only can these pores open up yet also the entire vessel can expand. This is often considered the initial process of inflammation. However, this process of “net filtration” is not in itself unhealthy since its purpose is to act as a filtration system that is capable of isolating and escorting toxic substances and infectious organisms from in between the cells, away from the blood stream and into other channels of elimination to be ultimately excreted out of the body entirely. (See a previous article entitled Your Body’s Amazing Filtration System illustrating this fact) Ideally the increased amount of albumin; present in all plasma fluid (blood proteins, sodium, and water) can bind up the toxic substances and carry them into the lymphatics.

Once the plasma proteins (which hold water wherever they go) are allowed to escape the blood stream and enter the interstitial spaces of the tissues ONLY the lymphatic system is capable of retrieving them. This constitutes a literal separation of plasma from the blood stream that must then be referred to as extracellular fluid (fluid held in between the cells) because the blood stream (being in a positive pressure system) cannot reabsorb this fluid. If uncompensated for by an active lymphatic system the result is flooding of the tissues spaces and in short; blocked circulation. This is when knowing and applying certain Pure Laws and Principles of Health that are taught in Dr. C. Samuel West’s - Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology course can make a huge difference.

A dramatic excessive net filtration is caused most rapidly from injury, stress or shock, pollution or poison, and infection or anaerobic activity. A less dramatic process of interstitial lymphatic occlusion occurs due to stagnant or lack of lymphatic activity brought on usually by a lack of physical activity, and poor dieting. The latter is easier to be compensated for but if left unchecked the resulting conditions can be equally adverse. Uncomplimentary mental states can produce excess interstitial (between the cells) fluid from neurological reactions too because our nerves and our blood stream are closely connected for the purpose of diverting the circulation in case of a need to fight, flight, or rescue. This same process has a controversial flip side, that I can only guess is meant for auto-euthenasia. Yes, you read that correctly, I suppose the creator knew that we might sometimes need an innate way to die, and this is called “death from shock”. This also means that our perception of our circumstances changes more than just chemical reactions.

If these filtering particulates are left uncompensated for the micro circulation becomes greatly blocked. In other words, as far as particulates and everything bound to them are concerned, the circulation meant for the interstitial spaces or lymphatics is isolated. The excessive, rapid, or otherwise uncompensated release and accumulation of plasma into the tissue spaces is the process of swelling, and when this occurs systemically and widespread it is then referred to as edema. If this type of condition becomes chronic we may begin to suffer continuously from the inflammatory process, but neither swelling, edema, nor autoimmunity is all it takes to explain all that usually occurs then.

In the case of widespread edema the kidneys are almost always considered to be in failure. Dr. C. Samuel West teaches us that kidney failure is also lymphatic failure and he covers this subject in layman’s terms in his materials. The Applied Lymphology Course not only covers the vital organs in relation to blood and lymphatics, but it covers the life process, or the sodium potassium pumps that are the hydro electrogenic pumps. These pumps are vital to understand because it is with these that the power for every part of our body is generated! These pumps perform many vital services simultaneously; cellular respiration, active transport, managing the electrolytes or chemical balances, as well as regulating the intracellular fluid etc.

We learn in the Applied Lymphology course that optimally the tissues are in a vacuum packed state so that the success of the blood stream is ensured. The dynamic process of renewing the optimal conditions for the cells is performed by this blood and lymphatic system relationship. Excess fluid held in between the cells produces the opposite condition of the vacuum packed state that is found in all healthy tissues, and this problem creates far less stability for the delivery of oxygen (referred in textbooks vaguely as nutritive damage) to the cells and shuts down the pumps. If the pumps can’t function cells themselves take on excess fluid within them resulting in a condition referred to as intracellular edema in the affected tissue area, complicating matters further.

Optimally the tissues and the blood stream are in sort of a tug or war with water. Water is held magnetically in the blood stream by ultimately the plasma proteins, and cells are equipped (though less dynamically) with their own proteins for the same purpose. If you view the body as a sponge matrix of various types of water compartments it simplifies things.

Considering that the blood must constantly irrigate the tissues with fresh oxygen and other vital nutrients, when the process is being impeded either at the return flow or the delivering flow it follows logically that a pressure difference could occur. ie: It is more than conceivable that extracellular fluid (fluid held in between the cells) building up pressure from the optimal negative pressure state to a positive pressure state would be less stable than the vacuum packed state created by the effectuated lymph system.

Yet the following are situations where inflammation is considered to be helpful for the preservation of our lives:

1) It produces pain which can beckon stem cells to the site.
2) In case of a puncture wound (poisonous bite or toxic substance needs neutralizing and elimination) inflammation could then serve to “wall off” the infected tissues from the rest of the circulation.
3) For another example, a very destructive infectious organism known as staphylococcal infection is “walled off” rapidly do to the intense local tissue destruction that it causes yet a less harmful form called streptococci is more likely to kill because it is more likely to migrate and proliferate throughout the body unhindered because it is less toxic.
4) In the case of a flesh wound where flesh is gouged away inflammation swells up the tissue which can stem the flow of bleeding of lymphatic fluid, and even of blood itself with the proper coagulation (Cayenne Pepper is awesome to help this).
5) Tissue that is swollen up and then dried up can constrict the skin in effect closing the wound as if sutured. If bandaged and kept moist with an antibiotic cream to prevent infection scar tissue is found to be diminished substantially (I never said medicine couldn’t help - but why not a natural antibiotic?).

It is understandable that foreign matter, toxic substances, and even virulent organisms in the body would be effectively walled off or isolated by an area of agglutinated particulates (and organisms) to most circulation occurring in between the cells. It is also understandable for inflammation and pain to serve to aide in the preservation of ones life and even in healing in the case of injury. However, in many other cases the problem seems to create needless morbidity and death.

The process of blocked circulation in an isolated area of tissue which can become quite destructive is not so easy to justify in the cases of injury, stress or shock which is why here at the IAL we teach people how to speed up the healing of injuries by 1) preventing the excessive filtration as best as we can, 2) rapidly pulling out the excess fluid or otherwise trapped plasma constituents caused by stress, shock, poison or injury with the Art of Lymphasizing etc. So to pull out the garbage and renew the environment for the cells (rather than allow it to fester and spread) learn to use the Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology techniques we teach here at the International Academy of Lymphology.

In the case of poison (like from a bite or sting of an insect) it is also common for the trapped plasma proteins to cause a bump (not unlike the way tumors develop). If the poisons destroy cell membranes fast enough the spot can itch a lot too, and it is then natural instinct to want to scratch the spot which increases the inflammation and rate of swelling etc. The problem with scratching is that it contributes to greater prostaglandin activity and more damage to the tissue cell membranes etc. I have found that holding the spot is a great way to solve an itch, because it suppresses the inflammation, disassociates the clustered plasma proteins and thereby acts to preserve the integrity of the cells while helping to restore their optimal environment. The same type of techniques can be used to help heal inflamed sinuses etc.

As though inflammation wasn’t complicated enough, cells deprived of sufficient oxygen for normal healthy function over extended periods of time are also damaged. This can produce more histamine and bradykinin which in turn produces more swelling which is the start of another inflammatory cycle. If these anoxic conditions are perpetuated, inflammation is perpetuated or “chronic”.

Cancer is known as a “hotspot” and like other anaerobes this organism greedily collects and hordes readily fermentable sugars. As they wait for these sugars to ferment, they help to create blockages of the circulation and they continue to live on the fermented conditions. We wouldn’t have anaerobes without fermented glucose for them to live on.

The “inflammatory substances” as they are so vaguely often referred to are superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl ions, and least mentioned - fermented glucose. These superoxides have an “inflammatory” effect when combined with fermented glucose, like when you fan a fire. In other words, the proliferation of anaerobic conditions makes the effect of oxygen inflammatory due to way that oxygen speeds of the expenditure of fermented glucose.

The immune cells produce the highly concentrated oxygen related substances in order combat anaerobes, since (unlike healthy cells) they have no oxidative defenses. In other words, oxygen is our greatest immunity. So long at it is abundant, it rules the terrain as cells that are healthy begin to replace the other types.

It should therefore be no surprise to anyone that the anoxic conditions produced by the process of inflammation that gives rise to anaerobes (like cancer); conditions that also involve acidity, and free radical pathology. It is also these volatile conditions that challenge the immune cells to respond however effective or ineffective they may come to be viewed.

It is believed that macrophages tend to damage healthy cells in the process of fighting infection. I question that finding due to these facts: Healthy cells are constantly organizing and maintaining a field of electrons which coats them and protects them from free radicals. This field also repels other healthy cells, and without the ability to see the presence of absence of these electrons you would not be able to discern whether a cell was compromised or not. If logic serves, only cells which have been compromised would be vulnerable to oxidative attack, or any subsequent form of attack.

One of the lesser known discoveries made by the great Otto Warburg (winner of the Nobel Prize - and deservedly so) is that consuming cooked food caused a subjects red blood cells to stick to each other. It is also proven that refined sugars do the same thing. What most people have never even imagined is how what happens in the blood is related to what happens to the cell environment, yet to even begin to understand the cell environment people must understand lymphology .

As an interesting little side note: Certain parasites have been known to produce agglutinated extracellular protein that produces the conditions that cause degeneration so that the tissue cells die or at least weaken before feeding on them. Yet in the case of maggots; they have been used to fight gangrene because they only consume the dead flesh - they do not break down or feed on living tissue - they are not a virulent parasite. What a gift! Medicine cannot cure gangrene but a humble maggot can.

What is important to emphasize is that you don’t have inflammation without swelling or some kind of blockage to the circulation. In other words we are talking about the basic universal needs of the cell; the cellular ecology; the prime ecological variables, but the medical community is being taught to place nearly all the blame on autoimmunity. So what can we do if they attempt to continue ignoring the cellular ecology? Keep mentioning the cellular ecology everywhere we go!

In summary:

The process of “inflammation” is the process of cell-system ecological degeneration that in turn results in degenerating tissue cells which in turn results in more ecological degeneration that in turn results in more degenerating tissues. Are we getting the idea? And this cycle may continue in perpetuity until the entire body dies. In other words this cycle may result in any killer disease imaginable. Simply put, it is the ineffectuation of the roles of blood, lymph, and immunity. So, over any extended period of time it can be disastrous.

Anything that disables a cells ability to function normally; anything that decreases the effectiveness of the blood, lymph, or immune system can contribute to the process of inflammation. It should be no surprise that the Standard American Diet causes inflammation. It should also be no surprise that a sedentary lifestyle; one of very little physical exertion can also contribute to the rate of inflammatory disease. It should also be no surprise that negative stressors (any stress that turns out to be more than the body needs) such as high levels of worrying, fear, anger, etc. - usually end up being highly destructive and contributing to inflammation throughout the body. Why else would the killer degenerative diseases be so common among yuppie westerners and so uncommon among the poor deficient third world nation populations?

Any kind of fat that is not conducive to the function of the cellular membrane, any chemical that contributes to acidity, any substance that is not useful for the body and instead is something that needs to be eliminated will contribute to a process of inflammation.

We must educate the public and struggle to eliminate ignorance regarding the role of the lymphatic system, and in so doing we shall teach people how to maintain or restore the optimal conditions for life and healing. Since lymphology is still in a high level of obscurity; and there are now hundreds of years of trampled discoveries related to cellular ecology, I have ample reason to doubt that the immune system is as much to blame as the consensus seems now left to proclaim. It is obvious that regardless of the state of the immune system of any particular person, when the environment becomes occluded from excess fluid being held around the cells, inflammation follows.

Ask a doctor or nurse what the optimal conditions for life are and if they fail to mention that the lymphatic system vacuum packs the tissues to ensure the success of the blood stream - they do not know. The opposite of swelling is the “Dry-State” as discovered by Dr. Arthur C. Guyton. I.e. The tissues are vacuum packed by the lymphatic system. The International Academy of Lymphology has been the only organization teaching this research to the general public since it was founded in 1982, and before then our founder Dr. C. Samuel West had been lecturing for the general public and a variety of medical groups on these discoveries since 1976.

I have known the process of how the tissues are renewed, cells function normally again; they divide and reproduce and in such a fashion the body then heals itself, most of my life since I have been raised in the struggle to educate the public and bring the science of lymphology out of obscurity. It has pained me; I have felt helpless to watch the majority of the population suffer due to their ignorance of this knowledge.

In the process of researching to compare the latest on inflammation with what it was identified as originally or initially I have been amazed to find what is likely to be intentional gaps and vagueness that when combined with the evidence based paradigm (lacking process and principles) lead to the state of ignorance of the formal medical community. I wasn't looking for ammo to throw at them but (so far) I have reason to believe that the way that these gaps in the understanding of health care professionals
and the public alike are created is not unintentional.

This discoveries need to be learned by the bulk of the general population for them to help themselves! Otherwise cancer and heart disease etc will needlessly continue to destroy lives. Not even a thousand practitioners can do more for you than you can do for yourself. The answers lie with the subject - not any number of practitioners. It is therefore not enough for nurses and doctors to understand this science even if they will. Only you can activate or effectuate your lymphatic system as often as you should.