Subject: Lymphological Care of Infants and more..
Dear Friend,
I recently published an article with Natural News entitled: Lymphological
care of infants, and more.
Link to the article:
We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! To
celebrate we are offering our Applied Lymphology Course packages at a
reduced price. Even lower than the current special we already had going!
We can bring the Complete Course in Applied Lymphology down to just
$305.00 until the end of the year.
We can also bring the other packages down by the same percentage (25%).
Our address to send payments to is:
PO Box 351
Orem, Utah 84059
To request an invoice via PayPal to donate online with a credit or debit card
please reply to this email or send one to me at
Call me if you would like to discuss anything at all at: 801-226-0123