Dear Friend, My heart has been filled with an utter appreciation and immense gratitude for the very generous response to my plea for help the other day. We have indeed been sufficiently blessed at this time, and I want each of you to know who donated that I will not forget your generosity and kindness. In fact, I have some special gifts for you in the near future.
I have arrived safely, and will be working on preparing my speech for tomorrow while manning my booth here. I also hope to be able to spend time working on completing the book, Essentials of The Science of Healing while I am here.
I hope you enjoy the pic of me here that was just taken this morning after I finished setting up my booth. I am very glad to be here.
For those of you who were able to purchase all or part of the course materials, know that I am working on shipping those for you ASAP.
God bless you all and may you all be surrounded and permeated by the holy light of the creator.
Prof. Karl West |