Subject: Help save the future of humanity (10-3-21)

Help save the future of humanity!
Dear Friend,

What basic physiology has top decision makers in the field of medicine managed to sweep under the rug for at least sixty years, keeping it even from most doctors and nurses? Why have they done this?

Hi, I am Karl West, and the key information that will set the entire world free from this medical dictatorship is a matter of CIRCULATION. If a matter of circulation does not seem like an important enough issue to you then by all means please unsubscribe from my newsletters, because the relationship between the blood stream and the lymphatic system is about CIRCULATION and much more!

The Academy of Lymphology is now offering the world the life saving Basic Physiology that has been hidden by the Global Elite for decades. This is a limited time offer that we will extend during the remainder of this "Plandemic". You read that right -- for as long as this "Plandemic" lasts we will keep this offer going!

It is my personal opinion that this is more about a world takeover than it was even the deadly virus. For many decades the deaths from the five biggest killers amounted to 4000 people per day, and they knew we were being fed lies pertaining to simple matters like how to eat right. Now they want to pretend they care about public health?

Why do they tell people to go home and wait until their lips turn blue, while many effective treatments should be made known to them that go censored by mass media and big tech companies? Why do they put EVERYONE on the killer kidney destroying Remdesivir drug? I never believed all those deaths were being caused by the virus alone. I believe it was the protocol that killed the great majority of those people! How many people died that weren't treated this way is far less! This is nothing short of mass manslaughter or mass murder!

Have you heard of the Placebo Effects evil twin, the Nocebo Effect?
We understood that the world would be greatly impacted by the fear mongering that seem to always accompany these "outbreaks". People can die of fear due to shock even easier than a virus. We teach people why this is so throughout our educational materials. We also teach what can be done to start reversing the effects of circulatory shock.

Now, I am certainly not trying to say that the virus isn't deadly either way, just saying that many more are dying due to the complications caused by all the fear and hype, and if I didn't have some life saving knowledge for you in how to reverse the stress caused by the fear, and if I didn't know for a fact that effective treatments do exist I wouldn't bother mentioning it to you.

I can offer you and the entire world freedom from the fear of this or any other virus that may come along. When we learned how to fight this we learned how to beat this and any other virus that comes along! Safe and effective treatments include, Daniel Leithauser's Early Ambulation protocol, Peak Sustained Breathing techniques, HCQ, Vital D3, Zinc, and Ivermectin to name just a few.

I am now convinced that were enough people to have the knowledge on how to effectuate their lymphatics we could save the future of humanity. This is why I am offering you and anyone you can get to read this email a chance to acquire the missing Basic Physiology lesson that EVERYONE should have been taught by the elementary education level.

Click the link shown below and you will find a FREE promotional audio presentation that contains a history lesson on the discoveries I am referring to. You will also find another "limited time" offer to get the Introductory Course materials (a 65.00 value) in our Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology home study for self healing program for only $4 +(up to any generous donation). The e-booklet you will receive comes with illustrations for techniques to work on your vital organs, and even your endocrine system. It teaches you what you can do to relieve pain naturally - to prevent, reverse, and eliminate degenerative conditions, and to speed up the healing of injuries. It will also teach you how to improve your energy levels and keep your immune system strong. Please contribute more if you can.
Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West

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Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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