Subject: Happy New Year's! and Special Offers (12-31-21)

Happy New Year's!
and Special Offers  (12-31-21)
Dear Friend,

We at the Academy of Lymphology would like to wish everyone a blessed New Year for 2022. Things have been kind of crazy for the past couple of years and we even neglected to run our annual Specials for our founder's birthday. My father had a tradition of celebrating his birthday on Thanksgiving, and so we had been creating some Special Offers to commemorate his special day.

So much has been transpiring here and all around the world for nearly the past two years that we kind of got sidetracked. Do you know? Personally, I just hope and pray that we can get back to normal life, but I suspect that powerful special interests do NOT want to see that happen for us. It's why I got serious about writing the book I have been working on. The entire world desperately needs to learn The True Science of Healing. I didn't want to talk about that until it was finished. You know, under-promise and over-deliver? I'm not saying another word about that .. yet.

Two other things, I want you to know for this coming year: 1) We will be upgrading our account with GetResponse to include tons of new features like Webinars, but this will require us to purge our mailing list of subscriptions that do not seem to be "active readers". We simply will require at some point in the near future for everyone (who desires to stay subscribed) to re-subscribe because the list is going bye-bye. Prices for the features we need are much more affordable with a smaller list, so we need to reduce our list size substantially. Don't worry, because we will give ample notice and ample opportunity to resubscribe.

Please click on the following link to see our Hidden Extra Special Offers page:
When you get to that page you can see that our GoDaddy site is long overdue in needing replacement. You will be directed to a SECURE page with PayPal should you choose one of the offers.

So with no further adieu please join us in a statement of positive manifestation when we say, "THE BEST IS YET TO COME!"  We now celebrate the New Year!

May God's blessings be rich and supportive of your and your loved ones' lives and most virtuous dreams!

Prof. Karl West
and IAL Staff

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Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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