Subject: Happy New Year from the Academy of Lymphology! (2016 - 2017)

Progress Report, Special Offers and a 
Happy New Year! (2016 - 2017)
Dear Friend,
We wish everyone the kind of new year celebration that will lead to a better coming year that each of us needs to have. We at the Academy of Lymphology are very excited about the goals we have set for the coming year. We hope to have each of you stay in touch when some very big announcements are ready to be made.

I am finishing up an e-book entitled Foundations of The Science of Healing and am looking forward to announcing its availability over the next few weeks or so. 

Personally, I am also very glad to report that I have had an amazing experience with Brain Reward by Victory Nutrition Inc. The product works just like the researches claimed it would! Now as this New Year arrives I am finding myself being far more productive and somehow free of distractions that were related to addictions I have struggled with for decades. 

In addition to this, Kimberly and I are using the Prodovite nutritional supplement on a daily basis and we have renewed commitment to accomplish the things we have long desired to achieve. We have both experienced improvements with energy and drive and this will no doubt help us to achieve more this year. We are also finally ordering the other two products so we can try those and will let you know how that goes as well.
We also want to extend our Special Offers over the following ten days!

We thank you dearly for your time and attention! Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly West, ND

Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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