Dear [Firstname],
Happy New Year 2023!
My last email got me much renewed contact with very special students of my father. We are working with a new webmaster who is getting our site converted over to the Word Press platform. I have never had such a hardworking and capable webmaster and we are rapidly approaching new capabilities and many upgrades to our site. Once again we should have a list of all our Certified Lymphologists online, and it will allow our Certified Lymphologists to enter their information on their own then all I should have to do is validate the information and it will be shown in our list.
I would like to also have the ability of course to facilitate discussions with all of you in regard to various articles I have already published and wish to provide on the Academy website and to allow ongoing discussion between each of you or others who wish to comment or ask questions online.
As some of you may recall we began with a Discussion Forum using VBulletin back in 2005, and it was very nice to be able to get traffic that way, however unfortunately most of it was spam bots and I simply couldn't keep up with the demands of keeping it protected. I remember receiving a lot of inquiries from people desperate to find help with lymphodema back then. What the researchers finally had to admit about that disease is what the scientists already had known, that only repeated release and rewrapping would encourage the trapped plasma proteins and excess fluids to be finally eliminated. This need for trapped particulates and excess fluids to be continually removed through repeated contraction and releases of tissues that work the lymphatics and interstitium happens to play a major role in the resolution of all diseases, and I CONTEND is the main reason they hesitated so long to admit that fact.
Ultimately, I would like to load it up with documents that many of you have never seen, and audio presentations that many of you still NEED to hear over and over again. Trust me.. even I need that. I am fired up to come back with a vengeance! I pray to God that I can be empowered to do so for the sake of the future of all humanity!
Still working to finish one of THREE books destined to save humanity. DIY TLC - Healers Protocol Regimens is first. Please stay tuned for when that is ready for publication!
Any day now and we will have our new website go live yet we may wait to announce that until it is loaded with more Golden Archive audio presentations and more long-awaited valuable documents.
I am anxious to begin providing webinars after my book is near completion. Book writing is a process of evolution... My meditative mind is a GENIUS! My rational mind -- not so much.. lol. I have approximately 200 audio presentations by my father and many of those are unique and still, more have not yet been captured from cassettes due to lack of time and equipment. Many of those are uniquely revealing of important information.
I promised my father I would not allow his mission to fall short of reaching the masses! We must all work together to do our part for that to happen. Please contact me if there is any way you can help! |