Subject: Happy New Year (2019) from the Academy of Lymphology

Happy New Year (2019)
 from the Academy of Lymphology!
Dear Friend,

I promised to share with each of you an outline of what I believe is the True Science of Healing and a bit of an outline for the book I have been working on over the years.

By 2003, I had identified the Prime Ecological Variables. They are 1) Assimilation, 2) Circulation, 3) Filtration, and 4) Excretion or Elimination. The science of Lymphatic Effectuation lays within the principles of Circulation and Filtration. I had recognized that most of the world was busy learning the importance of diet and detoxification -- represented by the terms: Assimilation, and Excretion. Each variable can address a variety of dilemmas. For example, a person can suffer from a burden of assimilation as quickly as they might suffer from a deficiency, but the resolution of any such dilemmas might result in a miraculous recovery for the subject. Moving on, most people still have little knowledge about the science of lymphatic effectuation and the ultimate effectuation of the circulatory system.

It was then that I realized that everything of any use for healing fell under either (and often both) of only two principles. So to the best of my understanding, there are only two principles to the True Science of Healing. I placed each of the Prime Ecological Variables under the principle of Nurture.

I had begun studying the only other principle about the entire science of healing back in 1995 when I began to study regeneration by reading a book entitled The Body Electric by authors Robert O. Becker and Gary Seldon. Everyone knows that “if you do not use it — you lose it,” and so what we are talking about is the principle of Stimulus or "body programming". It is what triggers the process wherein bones, muscles, and all tissues strengthen in opposition to the stressors of gravity. It relates to the feedback and response mechanisms of the body, of rehabilitative exercise, epigenetics, biofeedback, and so forth. It also relates to the communication and the intelligence of the entire body. I place each of these variables under the principle of stimulus.

Therefore, I have concluded that there are only two principles required to encompass the entire science of healing — that of 1) Nurture, and 2) Stimulus. It may end up being the final title of the book I am writing — Nurture & Stimulus. It leads us into understanding just how many variables that are involved in the process of either life and healing, or disease and death. Admittedly, the next step is too always zoom out and to take into consideration each of these variables in the case of any disease. It is of my opinion that such considerations seem to offer the highest wisdom for genuine health care.

My father always emphasized process and principles. The current conventional system has become entrenched into an evidence-based paradigm that allows them to ignore process and principles to a large extent. I have devoted the majority of my life to the truth. I must work several jobs to pay the bills these days. Still, I consider it a great honor to be able to continue spreading the truth about the actual Do It Yourself Science of Healing.

There are perhaps limitless combinations of regimens that can produce a healing result, but the Healers Protocol puts it very simply. First Nurture, then Program, then Nurture once again. Nurture, Program, Nurture. I have seen miracles take place in a ridiculously short period using this template for healing. It isn’t rocket science, but it is indeed a DIY. The pure science of healing is a DIY, and that is the main reason the world has needed someone like me to present it to them. Many won’t care, and many will ignore it, but it will always be the truth.

We still have a few days left for the Special Holiday Offers we began listing for Christmas and New Years. If anyone has not yet obtained some or all of the course materials produced by the International Academy of Lymphology you can still do so at a discounted rate until the 5th of this month by clicking on the following link:

Thank you dearly for your time and attention!

Prof. Karl West
Academy of Lymphology, LLC

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Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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