Subject: Fear not... Assume not... Just be weigh the facts and be prepared for possible eventualities...
Dear Friend,
In the previous letter I originally only intended to provide the link to the CBS 60 Minutes documentary. I honestly had not premeditated the effect of causing people to fear. After all if the mass media is guilty of anything it is fear mongering. I rarely ever watch the news for that reason and I definitely never meant to cause anyone to worry or fear.
Please be brave for our future! "Fear not" is repeated in the Holy Bible 365 times. That is once for every day of the year. Life is too short to spend in fear and we are far too intelligent to allow it too run and ruin our lives. By all means, wear your Rose Colored Glasses. I really love mine and will wear them no matter what happens. It was only the brave and optimistic that survived the concentration camps of the holocaust.
The science of Lymphology teaches us that stress is a mild form of shock and causes disease. Please join with me in being aware but calm and brave regardless.
May God bless us to be mentally and physically prepared as possible for any eventualities that our sound considerations may predict. AMEN!
Prof. West