Subject: Breaking News! Lymphatic Vessels newly discovered for the brain.

Lymphatic vessels do go up into the head, just like Dr. West always said!
Hello Friend,

We wanted to be the first to tell you the excellent news we have received today. They have finally discovered lymphatic vessels that extend up into the brain and service the needs of brain tissue after all. For many decades medical textbooks have taught students in every college or university around the world that lymphatic vessels did not go up into the brain.

Our founder and creator of our Applied Lymphology program has been right all along. This means that the healing techniques taught by Dr. C. Samuel West have been totally validated for helping to heal the brain. Of course, since Dr. West always believed this would be the case he taught all of his students to practice lymphatic techniques to heal this way and many of our students applied the techniques throughout the past have already experienced amazing miraculous results. This is just further validation of what we teach here.

We have produced an audio recording of the latest medical journal news article on the subject for each of you to enjoy on the Academy Podcast we have now. Click the button below to listen in:

We would also like to remind those of you who have never purchased our materials or who could use more copies of the Golden Seven Plus One, or would like to order our first addition to the Golden Archives of Dr. West to please visit our Special Offers page and order any of those items before the sale ends (in just a few days).

Certainly you can expect us to publish another article covering these subjects very soon. We also want to share a Vital Organ Lymphatic Check-Up technique with each of you soon, so please stay tuned. 

Please find those by clicking the button below:
Again, thank you dearly for your time and attention. We hope to be able to be of further assistance to you again soon. Have the best day ever!

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly West ND

Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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