Subject: Bounce Back in 2017!

This year you can
Bounce Back into Health!
Greetings [Firstname,]and a happy spring,

I wanted to share with you a story of what brought "the spring" back into my wife's step.

For the past couple of years I have occasionally taken the opportunity to work on my partners lower back and spine. Several years before we met she had injured her back in a house fire, and spent nearly a week in a hospital. This had resulted in multiple crushed disks and nerve damage. A couple years ago I found an inflamed area of her lower back and just recently discovered she has another area around her axis and atlas that not even she was aware of. It is when I work on and alleviate the inflammation in both these areas that she reports the most relief and experiences renewed energy.

Needless to say, I am very grateful when she has more energy and begins dancing and singing around the house. I love to hear her sing, and lately she has been "singing the praises" of her new Bounce Back Fitness Chair I recently purchased for her. It's been helping her back, and I am very glad to hear this!

The following are a few statements about Kimberly’s experience in her own words:

“ I have really enjoyed using the Bounce Back Chair. Karl is always encouraging me to use the rebounder and we have one in just about every room of our home but because I have nerve damage in my lower back and lack feeling in most of my left leg I have poor balance and never felt steady on the rebounder therefore I have been reluctant to comply with his good advice, Now that I have a bounce back chair I use it everyday thru out the day. Most days 5-6 times. Sometimes it’s just for a minute or two. I usually feel relief right away. Other times I use the chair while we watch a movie as a family but I always let the kids have a turn when they ask because I know how good rebounding is everyone. I am very grateful to have a bounce back chair of my own in our home.”

The pain relieving benefits of rebounding were discovered by my father Dr. C. Samuel West in the mid seventies. He was very keenly intrigued by the nurturing benefits of rebounding, after discovering how a combination of deep breathing and rebounding worked to relieve the pain from many of his patients back while he kept a pain relief clinic in Tempe, Arizona. The rebounding industry is what it is in large part due to my fathers efforts to teach people how to heal.

One of our earliest Certified Lymphologists, Doug Eggett became the inventor of the Bounce Back Fitness Chair back in the 80’s. He has somehow managed to keep the costs down for this chair even though he recently had to come up with another way to manufacture the seats. At this time I would like to encourage everyone to visit our web site where we offer these units for purchase at a special price. (Please scroll down to the bottom of that page so you can see our offer on one of these very unique chairs).
Thank you dearly for all of your precious time and consideration. May God bless each of you through this year. You may contact us for any information on this or any issues related to health and healing.

Prof. Karl West & Kimberly K. ND

Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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