Subject: Bob Gajda, body building legend, and co-author of Total Body Training updates the book with a lymphological perspective

Bob Gajda, body building legend,
and co-author of Total Body Training
updates the book with a lymphological perspective
Dear Friend,

We happily announce that we shall have another Speed-Healing Radio interview this morning with none other than former Mr. Universe, Mr America -- Bob Gajda who championed a perspective on weight training called Peripheral Heart Action. PHA focuses on assisting the veinous return of the blood from the exerted tissues. This has been proven to result in healthier muscle development!

Last year Bob became one of the Academy's students and now has updated a book he had coauthored with Lance Dreher (another former Mr. Universe etc etc). The book Total Body Training will now include a lymphological perspective on weight training too!

Please join me this morning as we make history and discuss the marvelous legacy of Bob Gajda.
Anyone who can join us at 10am MST or 9am Pacific time is welcome by calling 347-989-1029. You may also visit the link provided above to play the interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much for your time and attention!

Prof. Karl West

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