Subject: BLACK FRIDAY SALEs? I GOT YOURS! Now you can save $140.00

Save $140.00 off
the Complete Course in
Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology
I am thankful for the knowledge to perform healing miracles that my father (Dr. C. Samuel West) taught me about effectuating the lymphatic system. It has helped me to bless my wife and children with with natural pain relief techniques, and healthful living standards and practices. I don't believe there is a more important health message than the message my father Dr. C. Samuel West taught to the world. Please visit the following link to SAVE $140.00 off the Complete Course in Speed-Healing & Applied Lymphology as soon as you can. 

We are now able to do this since it is a Digital Download form, and this makes it quick to receive your materials so you can start learning and applying the priceless knowledge immediately!
As an update for the Ambassador Program, we are placing it on a temporary hold, while we investigate a NEWER and much more POWERFUL platform, but we should have an update on that soon.

In the meantime, I sincerely thank you for remaining a subscriber to the Academy of Lymphology - SPEED-HEALING lessons.

Best wishes,

Prof. Karl West

Copyright 1976-2020 International Academy of Lymphology. All Rights Reserved.
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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