Subject: A Difficult Life Lesson

A Difficult Life Lesson
Dear Friend,

I recently had a near death experience due to pancreatitis that was diagnosed as “necrotizing.” This was caused by gall stones that were created in my gall bladder and not my liver. Apparently, my liver and my pancreas had been damaged for several years while I mistook my symptoms for gall bladder attacks. I was very stubborn about keeping my gall bladder and was foolish enough not to have medical attention or scanning done to know for sure whether or not the pains I was having were in fact still just my gall bladder. I didn’t realize that I was in any danger.

So I was in the hospital for nearly a month beginning February 28th of this year, and since then I’ve done about a month of straight Green Juicing along with lymphatic techniques we teach here at the Academy. I also included some systemic enzymes and a fantastic line of products from 4Life that was gifted to me by my younger brother Daniel.

I am sure that everything I did was beneficial in the beginning to reverse the chronic state of morbidity that had started to develop at the onset of the attack. I started my recovery by getting out of bed early on, walking around, breathing, but I was so bloated that the effleurage felt almost futile. I was soon off the pain killers, but the antibiotics kept coming by way of IV along with my other fluids. I was even fed through an IV for a couple of weeks.

I am happy to say that my latest test shows improvements. I do have a few cysts that I am slowly shrinking. I am told that it could take up to a year before my pancreas is back to standard capabilities. Until then I am determined to avoid fatty foods, stress, or dehydration. The last two is no surprise, right?

I am told to avoid sitting for more than two hours, standing for more than two hours, and not to lift more than 15 lbs. This pretty much limits my work to less reliable work than my regular job.

As it seems, I will be required to spend more time investing in the Academy of Lymphology! That is excellent news for me! I hope to be able to warn people not to take a stone making gall bladders too lightly while I am at it. I had no idea a diseased gall bladder could kill me! Apparently, the stones had been damaging my liver and my pancreas for years. My liver healed up, but my pancreas was so hurt that I could have died.

I will appreciate anyone's thoughts and prayers as I continue to heal and lead this Academy. I have been out of work for the past two months, and the family is currently in need of financial blessings too, therefore we are having an irregular sales offer for all of the course materials of the Academy. If you can, please take advantage of these offers. I also have a GoFundMe page 

Yours truly,

Prof. Karl West
CEO - Academy of Lymphology, LLC
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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