Subject: The Sergeants Club | September 2024



We are well on our way into the final training quarter of 2024. The second half of the Battalion just got back from the Houston area where we were deployed for a total of two weeks helping with Hurricane Beryl cleanup. The guys had a great time on deployment, even though a bunch collected poison ivy and/or oak rashes while they were there. The Samaritan’s Purse team on the ground is trying to close up that deployment on Saturday, and kept asking our guys to stay longer or for us to send more teams. Please pray that they can get enough volunteers to finish the work in the Houston area, especially with all the devastation from Hurricane Helene attracting all the volunteer attention. Basic Training Unit 71 is in full swing, and should be completing their 6 Hour Hike later this week.

As I have been preparing for, and then making the transition into my new position here at ALERT, I have been thinking a lot about humility. I am only 32 years old, and still prone to think I know the best way to do most things in life (at least most things in other people’s lives). Further, I am in a job where most of the campus is required to show me visible demonstrations of respect, even if I do not have (or deserve) their actual respect. And finally, I am in a job that involves me giving advice, mentoring, coaching, leading, and hopefully discipling the men under me. Each one of those things puts me in a position to be uniquely at risk for a special sort of pride. The pride that enjoys being called sir, and likes being the one people look to for advice, and savors the institutional respect, and gets comfortable being the expert in the room. Each of these risks is also present, to a lesser degree, in the members of the Battalion leadership team as well. From me, to Sergeant Major, to the unit leaders, we are all young men who tend towards pride, each one of us filling a position that provide fertile soil for that pride to grow in.

I am going through an excellent little book on humility with the Battalion leadership team this quarter, and a concept in the book that I keep coming back to is the idea of having yourself in the center of the lens that you view the world through. That is a really helpful analogy for me as I think about pride in my life and at work. I want to take myself out of the center of the lens so I don’t interpret every situation in life through my own ego and how it will affect me. How will this decision make me look? How will this conversation improve my stock with that individual? What do I deserve in this situation? How should I be treated?

I want to replace the lens of self with the lens of Christ and His gospel. How can I better model Christ in this decision? How can this conversation show the love of Christ and His gospel to that individual? How can Christ work through me in this situation? How can I love as Christ loves? Please pray for me and for the Battalion leadership team, that we would live lives of humility and love as we serve the men under us. Pray that we would be vigilant to the creeping temptations of pride, and that we would do the work to root it out as we catch it making inroads in our lives. And pray that we would daily show Christ to the men in the Battalion.

One final prayer request to mention is that we are facing an unexpectedly large budget deficit this year. We have had several unusual or unexpected things come up this year that hit our budget, including the 30th Reunion and some marketing opportunities that we weren't planning on. The 30th Reunion was a great weekend, and was very well attended and received by the alumni, but our expenses for the weekend ended up being significantly higher than we were anticipating. We also got the opportunity to start advertising with World News Group across multiple platforms including World Magazine, The World and Everything In It podcast, and two of their daily news emails. The WNG audience is a really great marketing pool for ALERT, and we have already gotten significant traction off our advertising (including at least one recruit currently in Basic Training), but it is another opportunity that was not budgeted for this year. We do have some money in savings that can cover our shortfall this year, but we need wisdom on how to spend wisely in the remaining quarter of 2024, and wisdom on how to budget for next year to keep this from happening again. You can also pray for continued donations to ALERT, as all of our administrative costs are covered by donations, not program tuition.

Thank you all for your prayers and involvement in the work of forging men!


Posteritatis commodis servientes,

Captain Samuel Winkler | Unit 42

ALERT Battalion Commanding Officer