One other area of prayer is for the ALERT admin team (mostly myself, the PR guy, and the officers who set the budgets) to have direction as to how to effectively market the program. Right now we aren’t doing much marketing beyond social media and some efforts in the homeschooling world, but those aren’t enough to sustain a program like ALERT. This fall we started Basic Training Unit 69 with only 45 recruits, and while we were able to run four 3rd Phase training options, we are running each one with about the bare minimum in terms of class numbers. Numbers like that are not sustainable over the long term, so we have to drastically upgrade our marketing efforts.
We have some ideas about things that could be done to market the program better, but are running into a lack of marketing experience (on my part), and a lack of time to devote towards putting together effective marketing (on all of our parts). Please pray that we would have wisdom as to how and where to market ALERT so that our time and resources are put towards the audiences that will be most receptive. We are looking for new areas other than the homeschooling market to advertise to, so if you have ideas of marketing avenues we should look at in 2024, please let me know. One other thing we are hoping to do next year is get into sponsoring relevant podcasts, so if any of you listen to good podcasts we could sponsor, please pass them on as well. |