Hello, Things are pretty busy here on campus for it being furlough. The battalion returns for training on June 25, and the Quest students show up on July 4, so summer furlough is basically over for us already. Three weeks isn’t much time to reset everything and start over, but Lord willing we'll be ready when they show back up. Thank you all for your prayers for the online situation I mentioned last month. God was kind and nothing happened over the weekend of Advancement. There was some online traffic the week after the event, but nothing disrupted either the on-campus event or the live stream. The focus of the blogger is mostly off ALERT at this point, but if you think of it, pray for the truth to be known in each situation she posts about. Also, thank you all for your input on the letter we released to the alumni answering questions that came up after the video; the response to the final product has been really positive. Please pray for Major Boulden as he goes through the one-on-one follow-up conversations with the alumni; they are proving to be pretty emotionally heavy conversations (he clocked close to 2.5 hours straight on the phone with one guy this week). We know we won’t be able to repair every relationship or make everyone happy, but Lord willing we can make some progress and rebuild a lot of relationships with our alumni. |