Subject: The Sergeants Club | August 2024



It is hard to believe that we are already approaching the end of the summer quarter. When I was in training at ALERT the quarters felt so long, and now that I am no longer 18, they seem to fly by. Next Friday 2nd Phase and Leadership & Communications will finish, and we’ll transition into the final training quarter of the year. We’ll be running Aviation, Basic Training Cadre, Construction, Dive, EMT, and Tech Rescue next quarter, as well as Basic Training Unit 71. Unit 71 has 50 recruits confirmed, and a total of 69 applications started, so we might hit our cap of 60 recruits and have to roll people forward to Unit 72.

Every year at the beginning of the year, Colonel Boulden picks a word or phrase for the staff to focus on throughout the year. This year he picked the word peace. At the time, we teased him about picking a different word to focus on, since obviously if he picked peace as his word that meant we’d need a lot of it in 2024. Setting aside whatever superstitious mayhem his word choice may have caused, we have needed a lot of peace as we’ve moved through the year, and continue to need peace. This is for two main reasons:

One, there has been a lot of transition and change at ALERT. We’ve had Lt. Nafziger finish up his time as the Missions instructor, and next Friday Capt. Vanderford will close out his 15 year tenure at ALERT and move on to greener pastures (which, to be fair, isn't hard to do in late August in TX when everything turns brown). Both of those men are leaving holes in the staff that need to be filled, to say nothing of our loss of their years of knowledge and experience. In addition, for 10 months of the year we have students here, and each one brings struggles and challenges from his life outside ALERT. We are working with young leaders who are leading young men, and that combination can cause conflict and problems. And finally, none of us is omnipotent, so we can never make a fully informed call on discipline, promotions, counseling conversations, and other interactions. All of those things generate an overwhelming need for peace.

But the bigger reason that we need peace is that Jesus Himself is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 6:9), and we need more of Him. It is only through Him that we can have peace with God (Romans 5:1). And one of the fruits of the Spirit, the outworking of the character of God in our lives, is peace. So when we say we need peace, we really need Christ. We desperately need more of Christ and His peace in every area of our lives.

As we look at the remaining four months of 2024, and all the challenges and struggles and complexities that they are sure to bring, please join us in praying for peace. Peace for ourselves, and peace for each of the guys in training.

One final thing: we have our 2025 reunion coming up February 7-9, 2025. It will probably be a lot smaller than our 30th reunion this year, but it should still be a fun event. I hope you can all make it out for that reunion—it is always encouraging to see you guys again and catch up and hear what God is doing in each of your lives and families.


Posteritatis commodis servientes,

1st Lieutenant Samuel Winkler | Unit 42

ALERT Public and Alumni Relations