Conqueror 101 | May 4-11, 2024
In light of all of that, I want to let you know about another event I am doing this summer. Conqueror 101 is a week-long retreat for guys looking for outdoor adventure and some solid teaching on how to recalibrate their walk with God and firm up their foundation as a warrior for Him. During the course of the week we will be going through the Conquer Series, among other things. The retreat is intentionally designed with a small group setting to facilitate great interaction and getting to know one another on a deeper level. Material covered will include, but is not limited to, the following: What does a truly surrendered life to the Lord look like? How can I begin the walk to victory in my moral conduct? How can I develop true accountability with other men that will help me stay the course? What does truly meaningful Bible study look like, and how can I make that a part of my daily life?
Each day will involve personal quiet time study as well as small group discussions, relevant video teaching on important subjects for guys, outdoor activities like canoeing, biking and hiking, and some rest and hang time. If you are considering a program like ALERT, but are not sure if you’re quite ready, Conqueror 101 is a good jumpstart to understanding Biblical and physical disciplines in a more laid back environment.
If you’re interested in attending, your only qualification is to have a desire to learn, an attentive mindset and a willingness to participate in all activities. The team is small, and we are looking for guys that are energy givers. Conqueror 101 is not designed for the guy that needs to be forced into coming and is just doing this out of obligation. We are more than willing to work with any guy that is struggling, if his mindset is wanting to move forward in His walk with Christ. |