Subject: Missions Class Trip | Middle East

April 22, 2024

God is at work in the Middle East, and we have an amazing opportunity to participate in what He is doing. Over the past few weeks, the Missions class has been studying and preparing for domestic and international missions, including grasping the fullness of the gospel, how to share the glorious good news of Christ, an understanding of the great commission, and the nature and impact of other religions. Recently, God has opened a door for the Missions class to travel to northern Iraq next month and help at a school run by a team of frontline workers. There is incredible need and opportunity in the area due in part to the number of refugees and internally displaced people living in northern Iraq.

While in country, we will be partnering with the team of frontline workers and plugging into the ministry efforts that are already in place. There are many opportunities to serve, learn, and build relationships with students, staff, and locals alike. We may have the opportunity to help teach classes like English, and sports, be involved in youth programs, and serve in camps amongst refugees. Our plan is to be in country for nearly two weeks in May.

How can you help?

  • Pray for the team of frontline workers that is serving there. Pray that God would guide and strengthen them, and cause their ministry to flourish.

  • Pray for our students, that God will help them catch a vision for missions in their own life, and how they can play a part in the future.

  • Pray for safety traveling, and safety in country.

  • Pray for the individuals that we will have the opportunity to interact with, that God would bless them with the knowledge of the truth.

  • You can also contribute financially. You can make a donation online at and select the Missions Department Trip Fund. You can also mail a check to ALERT at the address in my signature. Please make sure to designate it to the Missions Department Trip Fund.

We are excited about what God is doing, and we are looking forward to having an opportunity to both see firsthand and serve in the work God is doing all over the world in His church, the Bride of Christ. Thank you so much for supporting us in prayer while we make this trip, and please pray for all the individuals we will have the opportunity to interact with while we travel.

2nd Lieutenant Marcus Nafziger | Unit 57

ALERT Missions Instructor

One Academy Blvd.

Big Sandy, TX 75755