Subject: Missions Class Iraq Trip Update

June 6, 2024

Myself and the ALERT Missions class recently arrived home from a trip to northern Iraq. We had the privilege of partnering and volunteering with a humanitarian aid organization serving refugees and internally displaced peoples in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Some of the opportunities we had included various maintenance projects around the community center like flooring repair, painting, and trash removal. We also taught ropes and knots skills, as well as a first aid class, and spent time playing soccer and frisbee with the children. There were many other ways to connect with, encourage, and serve individuals.

Not only that, but the experiences we encountered broadened our perspectives, and gave us a better understanding of humanity, religions, and the world in which we live. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to see and experience the work that’s happening in Iraq.

Thank you all so much for your prayer and financial support for this endeavor, and please keep the people and workers in northern Iraq in your prayers.

2nd Lieutenant Marcus Nafziger | Unit 57

ALERT Missions Instructor