Subject: March Conqueror Series Retreat Update

Greetings to you all,

I am excited to announce that we will be holding our first Conquer Series Weekend Retreat on March 10-12, 2023 on the ALERT campus in Big Sandy, Texas. If you are not familiar with the Conquer Series, it is a ten-part video series that addresses the addictive nature of pornography and is designed to help you, a friend, or a loved one begin the process of getting free from this destructive habit. The material is excellent, the cinematography and presentation is dynamic, and I can assure you this is much more than a standard lecture style series.

Who is invited? Past enrollees of ALERT, Quest, or Conqueror 101, as well as anyone you would like to invite! Bring a group. Encourage your pastor to come. There are no restrictions other than understanding it is a men’s weekend, so discretion should be exercised when considering bringing younger sons. No one under 16 can attend without a parent or guardian, but young men 12 and over would benefit greatly—as long as you, as a dad or guardian, attend with them and take the time to discuss and process the material with them off-line.

Here are all the logistical details for the weekend:

Schedule: We will start with supper on Friday night at 6:30 pm, have at least one session Friday night, an intense day on Saturday, and finish Sunday at noon. Plan on attending all of the sessions, so be prompt in arriving Friday and stay through noon on Sunday.

Costs: $45 per person, which includes meals and the workbook. Please note that it does not include housing. You can pay via cash or check when you arrive.

Housing: You can rent a small cabin that sleeps three for $40 per night per cabin, or a dorm room with a bunk rate of $20 per person. If you know someone here on campus that you can stay with, you are welcome to make arrangements for that. For all housing questions and reservations, please call Cherith Hendrich at 903-636-9201. Please note that you must reserve housing before you arrive.

Men, this is a must-attend gathering. Pornography has overtaken the church like a tsunami, and few churches are doing anything to address it. If your son is ten or over, statistically speaking it is very likely he has already been exposed to pornography and is currently living with hidden shame or guilt as a result. This material provides an excellent way to broach this difficult subject in a meaningful way, and more importantly, help one another to freedom. Please prayerfully consider attending and do not wait to register if you’re interested. Satan will do anything possible to discourage you from attending, even putting something else on your calendar to conflict.

Wives and moms, if you are the one reading this letter, I'd urge you to show it to your husband or son and urge him to attend. The sessions are powerful, the fellowship is great, and we incorporate some competitive games and stuff to break up the day and keep us on our toes. 

If you have any questions, or would like to register for the weekend, please give me a call. My cell phone number is in my signature below.

Blessings, and I look forward to seeing you at the retreat!

Colonel Marv Behr

ALERT Commanding Officer, Retired

Cell: 903-714-3481