Subject: ALERT Update | June 25, 2024

June 25, 2024

I've been reminded lately about how service-oriented our time at ALERT is, and how much this ministry can change lives. The area around campus was struck with some rough weather a few weeks ago, and I've had the opportunity to lead some single-day deployments to help clean up the aftermath of these storms.

During these deployments, two things have stood out in particular. First, the guys that go with me are always ready to go and do a hard day's work, laughing and carefree at the thought of moving hundreds of pounds of trees by hand, and keeping that attitude all day. Secondly, the people we meet are always so surprised that we offer our skills, chainsaws, and time for free. We leave a great reputation in our wake by our willingness to help those in need, and hopefully also an impact for Christ's kingdom.

That is the kind of service that brings me joy, as I see this ministry continue to produce men who work hard for the cause of Christ and display true love for those who can offer them nothing in return.

1st Lieutenant Charles O'Neal | Unit 50

ALERT Leadership Class & Technical Rescue Instructor

Prayer Requests

  • Battalion leadership is training this week preparing for next quarter

  • Pray for safe travels for everyone coming in on Saturday for the summer quarter

  • Pray for Quest leadership as they prepare for Quest 2024

Upcoming Events

  • June 29 – Summer training quarter starts

  • July 8 – Quest starts

  • August 31 – Fall training quarter starts