Subject: ALERT Update | July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

We often hear from our Alumni how the training they received at ALERT gave them amazing opportunities in the career God has called them to. That training is only possible because of the staff and guest instructors who selflessly give of their time, effort, and expertise to assist in forging these young men over the years. It's because of their heart for the Gospel, their desire to disciple young men, and their passion for their craft that young men walk away with exceptional training and the tools needed to impact their world for Christ. So, if you have ever been involved with instructing here at ALERT, or are currently serving as an instructor, I thank you for your sacrificial service for us ALERT men. Only in eternity will you know the true impact of your blood, sweat, and tears.

1Lt. Dillon Whitaker | Unit 45

2nd Phase Training Officer

Prayer Requests

  • Leadership & Communications is in Washington, DC this week

  • 2nd Phase is doing rope rescue class this week

  • Pray for Quest to finish well on Friday and everyone to return home safely

Upcoming Events

  • August 31 – Fall training quarter starts

  • September 12 – Basic Training Unit 71 starts

  • February 7-9, 2025 – ALERT Reunion 2025