Subject: ALERT Update | July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

One of life's biggest struggles is expectations. We hold expectations on everything: the economy, the weather, the job market, our friends and family. We expect things to go a certain way. We expect our bodies to perform when and how we ask them to. We expect people to behave in a manner that we deem "appropriate".

One of the kindest things Jesus ever did during his time here on earth was to help us level our expectations for this life. He told us things like "if they persecuted me they will also persecute you" and " in the world you will have tribulation" (John 15:20 and 16:33 ESV). One thing we try and help our students understand during their time here is that life is hard. There is no way around that. But at the same time, we want them to not curse the struggle, but rather embrace it. To even expect it. And to recognize that, even in the struggle, God is out for their good. He is refining, sanctifying, maturing, and making them more like His son with every passing day and struggle. 

Stand strong,

Colonel Jesse Boulden | Unit 40

ALERT Commanding Officer

Prayer Requests

  • 2nd Phase and Aviation are on deployment in Arkansas this week

  • Pray for health and safety for all the guys in Quest

  • Pray for the instructors to teach and train well

Upcoming Events

  • August 31 – Fall training quarter starts

  • September 12 – Basic Training Unit 71 starts

  • February 7-9, 2025 – ALERT Reunion 2025