February 14, 2023
Throughout a young man's training at the ALERT Academy, he will primarily receive three things: unique and exciting experiences, fellowship in a community of like-minded men, and a perspective shift to recognize that life is not about him. As important as those things are, we recognize that none of them can truly transform a young man's life. We are not here to help men build lives that look good on the outside. We are here to help men build lives that are healthy and whole on the inside, and to do that, we need divine intervention. We need the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that only the good news that God has become flesh and dwelt among us, that he lived, died, and rose again, can bring new life and lasting transformation into our students' lives.
We want to give our student body a lot during their time here. We want to give them opportunities for deployment and service. We want to give them practical skills and hands-on training. We want to help them become more self-disciplined and find more profound and meaningful friendships. But above all of that, we want to expose them to the truth of the Gospel. We want to give them Jesus, and we want to give them that every day. Pray for us that we would give them less of ourselves and more of Him!
Stand strong, |