Subject: ALERT Update | April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024

November 4th, 2023 is a day I will remember for a long time. At 12:00 AM, I met the Battalion at the grinder and we started a grueling workout called the October Breeze that lasted over 8 hours and would take me weeks to recover from. Apparently, I’m not as young as I used to be, and I am not in as good of shape as I was when I was younger. At the beginning of the workout, people were jolly and nervously joking with each other. Halfway through the workout, things were much quieter and guys were really struggling.

I knew the men before the October Breeze, but we got to know each other in a much different way as we all struggled and hung in there together throughout the morning. These types of experiences have a unique ability to build relationships in a way that easy, relaxed activities do not. In the ALERT environment, we incorporate challenging events as a regular part of the schedule. I believe that the combination of these events, combined with our shared values and faith in Jesus, is what tends to create so much camaraderie among the men at ALERT.

Captain Phillip Vanderford | Unit 41

ALERT Battalion Commanding Officer

Prayer Requests

  • Unit 70 leaves for Oklahoma today to hike their Endurance Hike

  • Construction is traveling to Alaska today for deployment

  • The EMT class started clinicals this week

Upcoming Events

  • May – Missions class trip to Northern Iraq

  • May 24 – Unit 70's Advancement and Preview Day

  • May 31 – Unit 69's Graduation