Subject: ALERT Alumni Update | August 2024

August 29, 2024

Dear Alumni,

This month's email comes at a bittersweet time for both the ALERT team and myself. It comes at a time of transition for us as we say goodbye to one of our longtime staff members, Captain Phillip Vanderford. Phillip has been looking towards moving on from ALERT for over a year now, as he has felt God calling him to move into a different venue of ministry. Tomorrow, August 30, will be Phillip's last day with ALERT.

I put ALERT men into three concentric circles. ALERT needs all three types of men in order to make the program work. The outermost circle would be the men who come here and stay from Basic Training to Graduation. This is where most ALERT men fall, and that's a good thing. We want to send men out, not keep them here indefinitely. The middle circle would be the men who spend one to five years here in training or service. These men work as drill instructors, SDS, SMaj, unit leaders and instructors. We need a certain amount of ALERT men to stay, help us carry the load, and train the new guys coming in. And then there is the innermost circle of "lifers" as we call them. These are the men who give many years of their lives to the program. Phillip finds himself in that inner circle.

I want to take the time to publicly thank Phillip for all his work at the ALERT Academy over the last fifteen years. Phillip came through Unit 41 in the spring of 2009 and has served on staff off and on ever since he graduated. He spent his first years of service working in Basic Training, ending his time there as a four-time drill instructor. He then transitioned to work with the Battalion side of ALERT's training, and spent two years as the Sergeant Major. He has served as the Battalion Commanding Officer for the last 5 years, and most recently he has also worked in the upper administration of the program, acting as the Executive Officer for the ALERT Academy, and my right-hand man.

Having come through the Basic Training unit right before Phillip, I have seen an ALERT without Phillip, and then one with him. By all accounts, I can tell you that ALERT has been a much better place with him than without him. One of the privileges of being with the program for a long period is getting to watch men grow over the years. I have gotten a front-row seat to Phillip's journey from Recruit to Captain, and have watched him grow and mature all along the way.

From all of the staff here at ALERT, from all of the men in training who got to serve with you and under you, and from all of the people whose lives have been impacted for the good because of your example of selfless service, thank you. You will be missed, and we pray for God's continued growth and direction for your life.

Thank you for being Strong to Serve.

Colonel Jesse Boulden | Unit 40

ALERT Commanding Officer