Subject: Week #4 Oct Hygge Challenge




Your Week #4 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "fresh start" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for Oct is guiding us to look at various parts of our life with new eyes so that we can see new ways to create fresh starts that align with our purpose, and our heart-centered desires for a life worth living and loving.

This month's challenge is going to assist you with this in different ways. A fresh start may be something that has Divine intervention, but it is often a fresh look or perspective on a situation, or relationship, we've struggled with or want to tweak so it is more heart-aligned with the person we are now.

Week #1's challenge was to simply try to understand that there are no "right" or "wrong" ways of living life. There are no "right" or "wrong" decisions just different paths that lead the way towards experiences and learning opportunities. When we understand this and put the self-judgments aside, we allow ourselves to appreciate life in a new light. It gives us a fresh start in how to experience life and be present within it.

Week #2's challenge was to explore the love we are using within our life. Love needs time, attention, and gentleness. It needs nurturing and when it is nurtured it can weather any storm. The love I am talking about is the love we have for others: friends, family, children, and partners. It is also the love we have for ourselves, our life, our passion, our purpose, and even our spiritual journey. The hygge lifestyle you are creating is one that encourages us to love ourselves and others enough to nurture that love and deepen it further. To do this we must take the time and have the willingness to attend to it with gentleness in various ways. How are you tending to love within your life? Are you lovingly attending to areas of your life that matter to you, or have some been neglected or pushed aside for some reason?

Last week's challenge was to connect with your inner child and imagine what it feels like to come out of your last day of school and have nothing determined by obligation, but the world feeling like it is open for exploration, adventure, and endless possibilities. If this thought stresses you out and you find yourself not able to relate or push this challenge aside, I encourage you to imagine a person you do know that is/was like this and feel into what it would feel like if you were in those moments tapping into that energy. Being able to feel this and allow yourself to be curious is key to exploring the infinite possibilities that await us. Life doesn't need to look as it has for us, and the world around us may change in the blink of an eye. If it did, and your life looked different, would you allow yourself to explore what was possible like a child starting their summer vacation?

This week's challenge is to find new ways to ground yourself in nature or by using nature. The upgrading energies that help us ignite new visions for our future and help us move into our growth and expansion, while positive and wonderfully exciting, can leave a person light-headed and sometimes stuck in their thoughts. Grounding the energies helps bring those visions and new inspiring thoughts, down through the heart into the earth beneath your feet. It helps give you foundational support to move you from inspirational thoughts to inspired action. This is where a "fresh start" becomes exciting because you get to step forward and make those thoughts a reality one step at a time!

Don't know how to ground or what grounding is? Or maybe the earth is getting a tad too cold for bare feet (sadly it is for me)? Check out this blog post where I connect the benefits of grounding to hygge, and give you many ideas for grounding in nature and by using nature.

You've got this, and if you need additional support please reach out. I'm sending you all love.

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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