Subject: Week #4 Nov Hygge Challenge




Your Week #4 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "perspectives" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for Nov is guiding us to step out of our comfort zone and expand the different areas of our life: career, relationships, health, wealth, personal development, and spiritual growth.

This month's challenge is going to assist you with this in different ways. Being able to see life and your own personal journey with a different perspective from what you typically have is a learned trait, but one that fires up the brain cells. It takes courage and determination to be open to new ways of thinking and seeing situations, and being able to own the perspectives and then release them for the higher perspective brings growth and transformation.

Week #1's challenge was to create the space you need to love yourself through the endings happening within your life. We are at a point in time where endings are happening in many areas, and while this can be hard to process with every ending there are new beginnings. Each new beginning is a chance to embrace something new for your own journey. It is during these times that there is something we have outgrown and it needed shedding from our lives so we could continue deepening our relationship with our souls and continue creating the life we were meant to live. In these times, try to see things from a different perspective so you give this new beginning a chance to blossom with the blessings it was meant to bring.

Week #2's challenge was to look at what's missing as an opportunity to create something that is more aligned with the person you are now and the person you are growing into being. This takes an intentional pause to be able to see things from a new perspective. But what if what is suddenly not available to you, not there because it wasn't aligned with the life your soul desired? What if it no longer fits you and it was time to exit your life? If this is another person, what if you were in their life for a season and that season was meant to end for a reason you can't understand because of the perspectives you are focusing upon? What if this opens the door to newly aligned friendships that empower and inspire you?

Last week's challenge was to take a moment and breathe in new life, new perspectives, and new dreams for what's possible for you. When life goes in an unexpected direction it can feel like a betrayal, but that feeling comes from a "life is happening to me" lens, instead of understanding that life is happening FOR you. Breathe in a new perspective and use your hyggekrog, or go sit in nature and ask to be shown a new perspective and new visions for your life that align with your soul.

This week's challenge is to honestly look at your life and how you are living or experiencing it. Are you stretched too thin because you have taken on too much, or you are doing things for others and it doesn't align with your soul's purpose? Are you bored, or do you feel disconnected from life? Have you been just going through the motions of life, trying to get through the day but you desire more? What are your priorities on how you desire life to feel? Nature gives us examples of the different dynamics of how to balance life and thrive in various environments. I encourage you to reflect on how nature uses interdependence, cooperation, and symbiosis, for integrating these into life has the ability to bring peace.

How we choose to look at a situation draws in the energy we are using within our life. When we choose to look at things from a different perspective so we can create something new and aligned with the life we desire, then we create opportunity and ignite a passion that can not be quenched.

In every situation where resistance is present, the love you have for your journey ahead has to be bigger than what you are holding onto. When that happens, or when you allow it to be, then letting go becomes an easy decision. Until then create the space you need to get to this point.

You've got this, and if you need additional support please reach out. I'm sending you all love.

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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