Subject: Week #4 Dec Hygge Challenge




Your Week #4 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "self-love" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for Dec indicates that the month may include various shakeups within each of the different areas of our life: career, relationships, health, wealth, personal development, and spiritual growth.

This month's challenge is going to assist you with this in different ways. If you were to look up self-love in the thesaurus, it give you negative connotations relating to an ego mentality. However, self-love is needed to help us freely give love to ourselves. It helps replenish the cup so that we aren't drained. It also helps us give without expectations of needing anything in return. It helps us live life with unconditional loving energy.

Week #1's challenge is to fully embody the idea that you were meant to shine. The light flowing through you effortlessly shines similar to electricity running through a light bulb. But many times we complicate it and feel like we need to force the light out of us so we will be noticed or seen. Then there are the other times we cover or dim our light so that we aren't seen. You were meant to shine. How do you shine? You notice what lights you up, notice how your body physically responds and then do more of those types of activities. This is how you creatively align with your passions. This is how you create joy and happiness in your life.

Week #2's challenge was to use nature's signs and messages to help you realize the love flowing through you; the loving energy that is gently nudging you toward your destiny and helping to support you in many ways. Messages from the Divine are often sent through nature to help us along our journey. An animal that catches our eye and intrigues us in some way may be telling us to explore the characteristics of that animal because our soul is needing us to embody some of that within our journey. Those animals may also be a sign that we aren't alone when we believe we are. Trees stand tall and give us support and cover when we feel broken or exposed. Their natural healing energy is providing you with the loving embrace you need at that moment. Nature is there to help us take a step forward when we don't know how. Will you notice these signs for your journey?

Last week's challenge is to carve out time within your week to unwind, and relax, but to do something that is fun, or creatively messy. This might be going tobogganing, snowshoeing, or downhill tubing - assuming you are winter bound. If you aren't surrounded by snow, then you might want to do something you've been wanting to do outdoors but haven't created the time to do it. For those that don't want to venture outdoors. What can you do that is creatively messy indoors but may connect with nature? Something that will help you unwind, like painting, cooking, or a clay craft. Maybe it will be a new creative project that you've had on the back burner. Maybe it is a meal you've been wanting to make but haven't. Whatever it is don't stress, don't set expectations of perfection, just be in the moment and allow it to be fun and messy. After all, some of the most creative moments are discovered amongst the messy parts of life.

This week's challenge is to use nature to help you tap into what you desire from a heart-centered space of living. For example, water can be connected to our emotions. We can use it to calm our emotions in times when we are feeling off balance and need to recenter. This might be finding a true source of water indoors or outdoors to wash over us (or at least have the calming sounds wash over us). We can use the water to help us journal what we were feeling so we can fully release what we are being asked to release. Another example is observing animals and how they react when they are excited about something. Do they hold back and shy away in doubt? Or do they burst forward and boldly take action? Nature teaches us what we need to emulate or what we may be missing to help us move forward. The characteristics you see in animals may reveal what you need, while the elements found around you in the form of air, earth, water, and fire may help you move forward in different ways. How you use these messages is important for your self-care and nurturing your individual growth.

Self-love comes from trusting yourself and trusting your intuitive guidance that is deepening your relationship with your soul, or higher self. It is bringing to light that which your unconsciousness and soul want you to know so you can live the life you were meant to live. This is fully aligned with the Hygge Lifestyle.

Try something new. Step out of your comfort zone. Explore things your inner child is curious about. It just might light you up!

You've got this, and if you need additional support please reach out. I'm sending you all love.

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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